Well, there you go. That’s the whole problem I’ve got with this car. It’s not unique enough. With a different grille it could be everything else. That’s acceptable for a Toyota, it’s not acceptable for an Alfa Romeo.
Well, there you go. That’s the whole problem I’ve got with this car. It’s not unique enough. With a different grille it could be everything else. That’s acceptable for a Toyota, it’s not acceptable for an Alfa Romeo.
HAHA hah hah.. ha..
You forgot the last sentence: “Which this lovely lady will deliver to you as soon as she finishes fixing her hair.”
COTD is back? Seriously?
What do you drive? So I have an image in my head. Faces mean nothing to me
Subtle. Well done.
The Excellent design inspiration:
Wait, you pull on the interior door handles and the doors don’t open? What type of hellish monstrosity is this? My biggest fear with newer cars with proximity keys is that when the battery dies you can’t open the trunk and get at your jumper cables... if I actually had to worry about not being able to get out of the…
Darth Maul, your car is ready.
You’re right, my memory is not that good. Jesus, last time I heard that was like 2003.
[...] with a funky re-skin the way you used to do winAmp back in 1999.
Yeah! How dare you pick on meatsacks! Lol
Here’s what really amazes me about this whole thing: the student driver must have felt the car hitting and rolling over the front wheel of the motorcycle; the driver pauses there, after all. It’s the fact that the driver then keeps going and runs over the rest of the bike. It’s like the driver realized they hit the…
Is the owner the guy in the passenger seat? If so that’s weird, sorta like marrying a supermodel and watching as a porn star bones her better than you ever will...
I used to teach guitar lessons. I had one student who would record the music of Castlevania off of his Nintendo onto a cassette, and bring it to me to transcribe and teach to him. Funny stuff. This was the same kid who always brought in imports of Finnish and Swedish black metal to learn. Pays to be really metal when…
Why Roberto?
It would have been hilarious if he had a huge checklist, adjusted his mirrors, tightened his belts, gave a big smile, then put it in gear and accidentally blasted through the front instead. Well, except for those people standing there.
I’m a rider. I take my riding very seriously. I take lessons, I do weekend track time, I read riding text books and recently got an MX bike just to learn a new facet. I know how to stoppie. I don’t really do it very often because I don’t ride like that on public roads, but I will say three things about them.
People are stupid, not stoppies.