
Model 3 wait-list people: [hands in pockets, shoulders drooped, kicks can]

Each time I got something right, it was like a small slice of victory. Finding the right piece of that puzzle. It was a traceable and tangible sensation of progress and it was righteous.

Depends on the tone right?

Ah, I get it now

Missed my sarcasm there, didn’t you?

Why not just put more trash cans at stops? Well, duh, because having trash cans at stops encourages people to put garbage into the cans instead of carrying their trash onto the trains all the way home to their personal composts or recycled-material craft art. At least that’s what Lhota thought when he removed trash

North Korean government officials and even the upper class citizens are well aware of the prosperity of other nations. They consume imported culture and goods all the time though they do it discretely.

Trump doesn’t hamstring the military as his predecessor did, and that’s why it’s working now. Trump openly espouses the “America First” mentality, and that’s partly responsible for the changes we’re seeing.

I like the Blue Morpho’s 300SL in Venture Brothers. Its extra features really make it a terrifying wonder dream.

Quinfecta? Brown manual diesel AWD wagon?

Quadfecta: manual, diesel, wagon, AWD

Is this real? Is this the first production car to lift its front wheels off the ground?

Have any race tracks outside of the US taken this stance? Or is the USA the only place litigious enough for this to happen?

I’m sorry, but 2011 zziro is unavailable. Only 2017 zziro can be reached at this time.

You graduated the year I started. I don’t know if by now you’d get away with pulling an engine in front of Cary Quad lol

Best one.

Lotus is lazy too! It’s like they had a focus group and said, “well we know we don’t have the skill or money to compete with cars that are good at drag racing, so lets just take the easy route and go for a market that has no competition”. 

Now playing

Why do I have to post this for you? Get your shit together, Graverobber.
