Correct. I saw them too and immediately thought: WHY IN THE HELL?
Correct. I saw them too and immediately thought: WHY IN THE HELL?
Nice! You should give One Punch Man a watch. Also great motivation.
Has someone figured out hydrolysis where the energy out is far greater than the energy in?
Not “who-draw-lick press chah-nel”? No want.
I bet he had the Cobb short-throw shifter. That’s what saved him.
HAHAHAHAHA the drivetrain is backwards! When he shifts up a gear the wheels never stop turning nor do they change speed, just the RPM of the pistons slows down!
All those without capacitive touch screens are like Blackberry in 2010.
I’ve long suspected this too! I have an Alfa GTV-6 which has the SOHC 12V version of the Busso, and it sounds much throatier than the larger 24V version that came later on.
“E-manual” sounds like a flappy paddle nickname to me...
I want to see your best nosebleed. Now we just need to find a hot Bulma cosplayer to get you going.
“CJ5 with four wheel drive, smokey on my tail”
Let me guess, NY’ers? I swear, every time I fly to or from the big asshole, I mean apple, the passengers are so selfish. Classic NY’er move is to cut in front of you while deplaning even though they were in a row behind you.
That price is appalling to me. I hate to #v6mustang this thing, but there are much “better” cars you could get for $10k. For instance, I picked up a decent Alfa GTV-6 for less than that a few years ago.
will sound like God going bowling
If the split screen between his face and the view forward is really synced up then we have another problem here. When he is already headed for a collision with the cars in front of him, closing quickly on their illuminated brake lights, he looks up and still doesn’t notice his impending crash. It’s like he’s looking…