Hahahaha all true. Perhaps they meant they would disrupt the ground transportation market, because somehow this doohicky will make short quick flights within a city as economic as an Uber.
I think concepts like this are meant for travel within cities; between buildings or neighborhoods.
Yeah, packaging constraints might limit displacement increases a lot. Perhaps then they would increase displacement primarily through piston stroke (making the engine taller), rather than the increasing the cylinder bore and taking up more space?
I agree. I’m thinking that camless engines would make more sense in lower rpm applications, like diesel generators.
Indeed, it is.
Can they build it with the Porsche 928 V8 engine, since that’s the sound they used in the movie?
I could be wrong, or misunderstanding you, but it seems that he is offering real money outside of the game for someone to perform services within the game. No?
Of course Germans take issue with this. I drove on the Autobahn the only time in my life a couple years ago on vacation, and I was blown away by the level of driving discipline I witnessed there. Of course they hate something that enables less discipline.
YOU may be aware enough to be informed about this new system before using it on public roads, but I personally do not trust the general public to be. Especially not when this new system has been colloquially referred to as “auto pilot”.
Ahhhh! Ok, I was trying to understand that by looking at the thing - whether it’s just the height of the stroke within the cylinder that changes, or the actual length of the stroke. So you’re saying the actual length of the stroke increases?
I find it hard to believe that this complicated design is better than having some kind of variable combustion chamber / cylinder head geometry.
Funny but he had a comma in there. Though I can’t blame you for taking the shot anyway.
Didn’t notice the typo until it was too late to edit. But it’s funny to imagine a knock-off with that spelling.
It’s cute how he used music to cover up all the scraping sounds.
I saw an old first-gen Hyundai Tiburon doing 120 in Florida once.
No, #dumbpeopleproblems, something I’m sure you can understand.