
Jesus, if you’re going to use the Inigo Montoya meme at least use one with the correct quote.

“Any little kid’s dream is to roll a rock down a hill.” Hrncir’s son Dustin told the Dispatch. “This is times 10.”

Yeah, if he wrecks on a bridge he’s either tumbling straight down the road or drifting off to the side and slamming into some immovable structural shit adjacent the road surface.

I am not perfect. Nor are you. We can only live and learn and better ourselves. You have to remember I’m 21 and still have lots to learn.

Nah. Don’t care enough.

Yeah, I feel like we’re owed an explanation for that interesting little bit. What’s the story?

Not a single mention of the rear-transaxle besides the “it has optimum weight distribution ♩♪♫♬” ?

With around 400 horsepower and weighing less than 2,200 pounds, it moved like hell, too.

I’ve said it before, Doug looks like a stretched out Jay Leno and he sounds like him too.

Now playing

OR! Or... orrrrrrr........... this flat 12 sounds the angriest.

(though since this whole story has Florida redneck written all over it I can happily walk away with “neither” if need be).

C’mon, CJ, Cali can be nothing other than the Prius. The precedent is set in stone.

I call shenanigans. The Ferrari driver is applying the brakes. Basically we have a Ferrari performing a burnout while a bike pulls against it.

So Trevor Milton’s uncle placed a pre-order for 7,000 of his fictional trucks and wrote him a check for $10M. The memo on the check said “Happy Birthday, Trev!”

Love that turn of phrase, “built like a brick shit-house”. Didn’t learn it until my career in aerospace engineering.

[sees headline]

hahahaha! top of your game I see

If someone is driving a weird car, the likelihood that you will enjoy talking to them is high; if someone is riding a weird bike, the likelihood you will enjoy talking to them is low.

Isn’t it better though if a sleeper starts with a car that’s already cool but just slow?