
It’s interesting that tuners are running 4 figure horsepower through that transmission after beefing it up, but Nissan seems adamant that 600 hp is the gearbox’s limit.

How about another one of these QOTD listies, but with the question:
“What car would (or did) you buy sight-unseen knowing that you will love it even though you’ve never driven one before?”

Can I trust Jalopnik’s reporting on this Evans guy?

It’s hard to maintain momentum in a pun thread. Ash tried to give it a boost.

One of only three such models left in existence, when Elo arrived to buy it from a fellow in the Midwest, a loaded shotgun was aimed at his head. “They said a British guy was coming. You’re black,” the man shouted. After realizing those two things are not mutually exclusive, the rifle was shouldered and a deal was

On a really fundamental theoretical level, removing batteries doesn’t make sense to me unless you’re removing excess power capacity - or, capacity beyond that needed to sustain the maximum usable amount of power output. But in this case it seems that he may actually be compromising his power output in the pursuit of

I was thinking you’d need a lot more than 20 kwh.

All cars should have it for the driver. Having a vent under the wheel pointing right at my lap would mean I won’t have to crank the AC and turn the whole car into a meat locker just to keep myself comfortable.

Only time I’ve been airborne in a car was in an E92 M3 on the Nurburgring.

I bet the median throttle opening during a hot lap of the ‘ring is like 20%.

I was thinking of this scene too!

Thank you, Peter, for starring me back when that was a thing.

For the same reason they didn’t create their own touch screen remote from scratch.

Two years later...
“I don’t know what happened, but somehow this electric car is emitting diesel soot!”

“Hey, Hoch. Quit holdin’ your dinger, and help us build these cars!”

There’s a decaying baby blue 1990 Hyundai Sonata doing the same thing in my neighborhood. I’m shocked it is even operational, but I always see it in a different place.

Right, there were no ugly cars back in the day.

What more could you want?

I think he was answering the question: