
I spotted that C6 in a parking lot in Mt Kisco, NY, a few months ago!

How’s that kool aid taste?

This tiny trunk is a feature.

My family’s old CJ-7 really took a toll on you after a couple of hours on an off-road trail (trail not pictured). It’s hard to relax while being shaken around and kicked in the ass repeatedly. Also I’m pretty sure the suspension was made of rust.

Model 3 P100D, please.

Dude has corn flakes and toast for breakfast and then noodles and red bull for dinner. Gross.

I know that top fuel motors have no water jackets, but what about this hemi? Can a motor with water jackets withstand four thousand horsepower?

Is this a real question or a pun? Honestly, I can’t tell.

No link, unfortunately. I’d had a good run on the forum, engaging with other botanically inclined social misfits over the finer points of foliage distribution and pest control methods. Then one day I made the mistake of mentioning a piece of bamboo I brought back to NYC from a forest in Japan. My god, these

The dialogue is contrived. This doesn’t pass the sniff test.

I got banned from a bonsai tree forum.

What is this Blink182 knock-off music?

I’ll take the motor, please. It deserves to be in my ride.

I had a blue 2000 Dakota Sport V8 in high school (dad gave it to me when he got bored and bought something else). I miss that truck.

If a naturally aspirated 6 cylinder can now make 500 hp, then why don’t we have a naturally aspirated 12 cylinder making 1,000 hp?

No. They should have Alfa Romeo V6 engines.

Aw hell yeah, pimp!

“I know some of this is just the nature of expensive high-fashion mis-en-scene bullshit.”

Needed 2,000 hp

So it is not (as was reported earlier on many sites) based on the Huracan?