pc mouse
pc mouse
thought it was a mouse at first
something i posted on twitter it’s an idea to let valve develop the games and greenlight where you can submit an idea rather than a game
what does sponsored video mean?
and yet it doesn’t look as good ingame or feels as good even though i play at max settings
i don’t get it though he makes double of what i used to make in views and i got nowhere near that not to say money is important but yeah i don’t get it
my internetme is as sad and weak as real me
their wolves but dire
yes thats a face i want to please myself to
oh yeah i forgot
now make a female shower simulator and make millions
i don’t think thats a glutch just the hardware being too stressed forcing the game to load the lods only was very used to that on gta 4 when i stressed the game too much
difference being the game is the main attraction not the person playing it the games made these people not what they are but the games remove the games and it’s just a person talking for 10 min the games are whats making it entertaining people like to watch the games and they stay for the personality
i never understood the watching people play games either i’d rather play it myself than get it spoiled
it’s fine rocksteady i am sure it’s more important with new dlc content for consoleplayers i think i speak for all pc gamers when i say it’s much more important than our playing experience
well tell her i am sorry i made her cry
she looks like a waffle
going to the caugh caugh website theres a related bioshock infinite video i don’t even know if i dare to watch it as the only characters in that game are elizabeth and booker which means....no i don’t want to think about it
well atleast shes cute
looks like Life is strange