
You must be fun to talk to at parties . . .

I would say kill the Versa over the Sentra. At least the Sentra is a comfortable car that can get out of its own way. Neither of those can be said of the Versa. Plus when I bought mine it was that same damn price for the Sentra SR as the Versa on the lot.

C8 Corvette. Lacking the manual.

God damn I wish I could huff aerosols at my job.

Some dumbass will bite. They always do. When you sell cars, the amount of people that are willing to over pay on sticker or on monthly payments just to be able to say they are the first to have a car is crazy. Always has been.

Dying at snerch. Literally farted laughing! Points!

I can’t believe it’s being classified as “cool” and not appropriately labeled as “ruined”.

That third question is Salty Waitress level stupid.

Should I Feel Guilty for Test Driving a Car That I Have No Intention of Buying?

Suzuki SX-4


“Hey, I have an idea! I’ll take the only car I own, drive it to work and while I’m at work I’ll rent it out as a taxi! Then when I’m ready to go home, I’ll ‘summon’ it back to the office! It’s literally win-win and my car value goes up!”

If you want to participate in the gig economy with your Tesla, go nuts. After 5+ years of taxi duty that car will be worthless, and the morsels of revenue share Tesla pays you might offset the car’s accelerated depreciation, maintenance, and repair costs.

Money making assets depreciate too. They’ve even factored it into the tax code.

I asked for my meal without bell peppers. Can I get $5 off please?

Looks like a Camaro backed into a Pepboys.

Welcome to the liberal communist state of California. Hopefully shit like this makes you think about who your voting for. 

“This is a car blog, don’t bring politics into this herp derp Libs herp derp biased burp slurp you lost don’t be bitter glurp burp.”

I coulda been a contendah...

Honest question, what tangible improvements do you actually want them to make, other than updating for the sake of updating?