ZZ Flop

Air Seinfelds

The only dirty thing here is Klay Thompson’s goatee, which should be arrested and launched into the sun on some sort of sun rocket. There is no guarantee it will be destroyed. In fact, there’s a good chance that the goatee manages to hijack the rocket and use the sun’s gravity and an altered trajectory to find its way

Look up and you’ll see the point flying by somewhere.

‘This is handball’

Brilliant. Give that man a medal.

1. Delete all tweets.

I wouldn’t tweet a thing, just start following depraved porn accounts, racist accounts, etc, and then let somebody else discover it.

Maybe Love and Irving are overrated and this is who they are?

Man, you guys seem really eager to toss Dellavedova under the bus today, and all because he had the temerity to give some Amish kids a few cans of Yuengling.

Sad Cavs fan is sad.

Actually “Lebron James” is named right there in the title of the post.

(Karim Benzema,) the host nation’s best player.

So how many Warriors fans can the Sharks bandwagon handle?

Still a better Thornton Quote -

say what you want about nihilism, but at least it’s an ethos


“Like a second shooter from the grassy assassination ring.”

Mike Matheny: Kid, if you’re not gonna hustle, you can hit the bench.

This seems like the opposite of a counterpoint. A point, if you will.

This take is wrong AND bad.

Wilson worked hard on this speech. He read through a ton of Google search results to find it.