Same thing when calling 911.
Same thing when calling 911.
He’s better than Kim Jong-il, since Great Leader had to actually play to win!
Two donors at the event reportedly told Axios that they didn’t understand why Trump would lie about video recorded evidence.
Whilst in Las Vegas, don’t walk the Strip. If you look for the closest parking bay/spot, the Strip isn’t fot you.
Time to play Bangkok...!
The larger the animal, the larger the poops.
Which Republican superstar is going to be the the first to own the Dems?
I’m sure she (the spokesperson) is on NPR, also. But I can’t confirm, not using their service.
Can’t wait for Trump to whip out the “I killed Osama bin Laden” spin.
Hope this helps
Hope this helps
Frankly, I’m shocked that there wasn’t a local gentlemen’s club with a buffet for Kraft and Co to go to.
Monster sack o’ cash: too obvious?
claiming to be members of the group Identity Evropa openly discussing their desire to infiltrate and take over the GOP
Maybe McKenzie can trot out her Jewish Friend® and Black Friend®?
Racists gotta rac.
Juuust missed the 36th AVN Awards in Las Vegas...
he’ll get a contraband smartphone
Trump wants to know that Alabama’s most famous son will never suffer...