
The USB Implementers Forum should consider using Dragon Ball terminology to name standards.

Manafort and Co. should file a complaint with the court a motion claiming that Mueller tricked him. Because that worked so well for Flynn and his team.

Being a racist is something that she needs to live with, but grousing about dogs doing what dogs do? Is that speciest?

I wonder who else Trump will elevate to BFF? Perhaps Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippine’s President? Just the body count on alleged/actual drug users/dealers (12,000-20,000+, depending on who you want to believe) should be giving Trump a stiff one.

I hope that Don Jr is first in the viper pit. Let him feel his balls being squeezed and sweating it out until he lands in a Federal pen. And then see how much Big Daddy will moan and groan to save sweet Ivanka. Between the two, I don’t think there’s any question whos Big Daddys fav’rite.

I did a reinstall around the beginning of the new year, and the only program I cant get to work is Belvedere.

Please oh please be convicted so that he can’t legally get a gun...

Goys will be goys.

Florda Man Fucks Himself

Wondering how those Fox and Friends fucks will spin this...

Oh, death, where is thy sting...?

I feel sorry for those who have to listen to Christmas music from when the season starts until 26 December.

Ah, no thanks...!

My Shitty First Beard®

“This was a couple weeks ago, I started sort of questioning it before others because it just didn’t seem to add up to me,” Trump said

The military has a rampant sexual abuse problem

Before Trump says anything/Tweets:

Eat up, bitches.