The USB Implementers Forum should consider using Dragon Ball terminology to name standards.
The USB Implementers Forum should consider using Dragon Ball terminology to name standards.
Manafort and Co. should file a complaint with the court a motion claiming that Mueller tricked him. Because that worked so well for Flynn and his team.
Being a racist is something that she needs to live with, but grousing about dogs doing what dogs do? Is that speciest?
I wonder who else Trump will elevate to BFF? Perhaps Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippine’s President? Just the body count on alleged/actual drug users/dealers (12,000-20,000+, depending on who you want to believe) should be giving Trump a stiff one.
I hope that Don Jr is first in the viper pit. Let him feel his balls being squeezed and sweating it out until he lands in a Federal pen. And then see how much Big Daddy will moan and groan to save sweet Ivanka. Between the two, I don’t think there’s any question who’s Big Daddy’s fav’rite.
I did a reinstall around the beginning of the new year, and the only program I can’t get to work is Belvedere.
Please oh please be convicted so that he can’t legally get a gun...
Goys will be goys.
Florda Man Fucks Himself
Wondering how those Fox and Friends fucks will spin this...
Oh, death, where is thy sting...?
I feel sorry for those who have to listen to Christmas music from “when the season starts” until 26 December.
Ah, no thanks...!
My Shitty First Beard®
“This was a couple weeks ago, I started sort of questioning it before others because it just didn’t seem to add up to me,” Trump said
The military has a rampant sexual abuse problem
Before Trump says anything/Tweets:
Eat up, bitches.
Blast from the past...