
Ahh… the usual “my car is fine so statements of poor reliability is all bullshit” from overly sensitive Alfa owners.

Ohmygod Alfa Romeo is dead. Just let it die. Ditto Maserati. Ditto Jaguar. Ditto so many brands that had their heyday back in the 70s and 80s. Just let them die.


The old stereotype was “tapping” your taillight w/ the baton & saying “sir, you have a broken taillight”.

You’ve got to give them credit for at least attempting to have a spine, unlike a lot of corporate America who are terrified of the Y’allqueda movement in this country.


I don’t understand why the majority of consumers still think always-on connectivity is a great feature to have in cars. I won’t buy a new vehicle unless I’ve already figured out how to physically disable that connection the day I buy it. I have a cyber-security background, and I know most, if not all, manufacturers do

need license plate number: 8008135

Pretty clear where his penal code was standing...

To cover up his tracks, the 28-year-old told investigators he had been looking at texts sent by colleagues”

In his defense, he likely saw something coming....

The value of Tesla’s brand dropped for a second straight year”

Yup. Right here in this picture we’ve got a grandson of nazis and son of apartheidists, who has openly endorsed the AFD (German neo-nazis), courted the alt-right and hate groups, gifted Twitter to them as an open platform, and is talking about “securing the future of human civilization” right as he’s doing the

No company is completely innocent (just look at all the banks accused of fraud or robbing their own customers). But these days I will settle for the companies whose CEOs aren’t making “awkward hand gestures” during public appearances.

What was that word?

Stop trying to apply logic to Trumpism.  They’re mutually exclusive terms.

Aaaaaaand therein lies the truth. These “cuts” all look good on paper, until each Rep realizes that HIS constituency is about to get f#cked, at which point the cuts are unsupportable. Shit like “agriculture support” and stuff will NEVER be cut, because there are no more loyal GOP voters than farmers.

And lo, did King David pay Bathsheba 137,000 shekels to keep her damn mouth shut.

I am not a fancy expert on how the government works, but some random, made-up department can’t unilaterally make budgetary changes, correct?  Doesn’t the House still control the purse strings, as the old saying goes?  Which isn’t to say the House wouldn’t go along with this, given its current makeup, but still.