Considering the number of people whose core technical skills seem to be turning off automatic headlights and spellcheck, this asshat probably turned off as many driver safety features as possible.
Considering the number of people whose core technical skills seem to be turning off automatic headlights and spellcheck, this asshat probably turned off as many driver safety features as possible.
Why isn’t this asshole’s name and home city repeated multiple times in the article? Shame this dude back into the cave.
So.... just a typical Pennsylvania driver?
* Except for the high tax rates that paid for schools and infrastructure.
If we care to remember, the same kind of thing happened in the financial crisis of 2008. Auditors weren’t really being impartial, because it would impact their own bottom line. Therefore, everyone got an AAA+ rating.
Russell Brand sounds like a poseur that went to 3 sessions of a philosophy class in community college then proceeded to indulge in hard-core drugs for a decade and now thinks he’s “enlightened”. He’s an idiot.
Zamora from Jalisco? This is a cartel operation.
I’m amazed at how his forehead looks more carved up than an old professional wrestler. George, you know the razor is for your coke, not your face, right?
Also works great if your city is flat, topographically. Walking 15 minutes downhill to get your groceries and then walking 15 minutes uphill gets old very quick. Also, walking that same route in 40 degree temp & rain makes you reconsider your lifestyle.
Frozen banana stand?
In case anyone is wondering why that clip looks familiar, it was lifted from a YouTube video where a CT is matched up against a Hummer EV. Steering wheel part is at 1:54. (Can someone on Xitter confirm if the original was credited in the post?)
Or the shift that did the QA for these engines had their schedules jacked around daily because of COVID disruptions, and therefore missed this batch.
Gotta let those mashed potatoes cool down before you stick it in, yo.
Just throw it in the drawer next to your Zune and bluetooth 2.0 devices.
There is also 1959's Compulsion, which is more direct re-telling of the murder of Bobby Franks (with different names, of course).
“Those that refuse to be bound by the law also refuse its protections.”
Seems like a pile of cocaine would have been the ideal thing to get people into a Studio 54 style mood. Does this guy remember nothing about making movies?
This is one of the things I never understood about Tesla. “Check out the amazing performance on this car! The instant torque! The unrivaled acceleration! But the coolest feature is not driving it at all!”
The Supercharger business has always been the best hope for them, particularly as a spin-off unit. Unless they are leasing the land, that group has a nifty little real estate portfolio tied to it, something investors are always interested in.
In the late 90's I had a few days to see what Microsoft was doing to their “perma-temp” employees. In the group I was with, several of the guys were bragging about their 100hr weekly timesheets. Yes, I’m serious. 14-16 hour days were the norm for this group, with no days off. I ran as fast and far away from that…