
This reminds me of attending a trailer-park-Jesus private school near SeaTac in the 1980's. If a 747 flew over us while someone was saying a prayer aloud, they would pause until the plane cleared, as though Jesus couldn’t hear above the noise.

I hope I will enjoy my show.

I really like those photos from the “golden age” that show planes with 10ft of headroom and 30ft wide. How easily people are fooled into thinking that’s what airplane cabins really looked in a 707 or 727.

As a former victim of one of these kinds of private Xtian schools, I can say I am not surprised that they are making up rules as they go. The entire point of these schools is to allow for the discrimination that Brown v. Board was supposed to prevent. When your founding principle is shunning “evil” to make yourself

More likely that a lawmaker made an out for his drunken thief of a teenage son who had no intentions of keeping that Charger he “borrowed” from the neighbors.

Somehow, I bet you will be offered an extended vehicle warranty on one of these.

The disaster of the Phil Condit era led directly to the era of Boeing breaking up their manufacturing base in WA and spreading it all over the country (to non-union states like SC). With a dozen little fiefdoms now wrestling for budget increases and cost savings, it should be no surprise that QA plummeted.

Why has Apple been spending so much money on research for their EV, when they could just steal all the necessary tech from BYD?

Boeing announces massive layoffs so frequently that no one really pays attention anymore. They are constantly hiring, so the headcount generally stays the same. The problem is that even with the endless turnover, they still seem to hire mostly idiots and assholes.

I always remove my jacket before driving, just to make sure my arms aren’t encumbered. Even my 2001 GM vehicle has enough cabin heat that I don’t need the extra layer after a few minutes warm-up.

Replace the word “Jesus” with “Mohammed”, and you’d be closer to reality.

The funny part of that whole “family won’t speak to him” thing is that both parties are supposed to be good Christian people. This is the point most people note that Rodgers is not married and has only had celebrity girlfriends that could very well be beards. He has had the whiff of brimstone around him for quite a

...chocolate as less of a comfort and more of a luxury”

It happened, and it’s on film. Tommy was a bit of a real life Zelig of the counter-culture.  

Any discussion of compulsory square dancing in American schools should reference the seminal episode of The Wonder Years titled “Square Dance” (S2E15), which featured a classic one-off character, Margaret Farquhar.

They went the human route instead.

2nd Gear:

Among the many reasons I don’t do delivery is that I far too frequently get mis-delivered food at my doorstep that was intended for the same apartment number at one of the two complexes that are next to mine. One of those mis-deliveries was last Christmas morning when I found a delivery from McD’s left at my door. I

What if the original owner was “John Voit”?

John Brown was a violent, grifting psychotic who vowed to “Purge this land with blood”. He should have been hanged long before 1859. The primary difference is that JB wasn’t a coward who hid when shit really did hit the fan. Be happy his body lies buried in the ground.