
His rendition of the Star Spangled Banner at the MLB All-Star Game in 1994 was fantastic.  He had the full set of pipes required to sing such a batty song.

I am happy to let China continue to poison their environment and population with dirty industrial zones so that my country can breathe cleaner air than we did 50 years ago. The world’s biggest EV market is also burning the most coal. Sure, they have some money and stolen tech, but what good will it do them when they

Looks like a guy who roots so hard for The Empire in Star Wars movies that he even shoots like a Stormtrooper.

He does that every time he opens his mouth.

“the final model rolled off the production line in February 2020" ...

Rodgers didn’t lie about being vaccinated, he lied about being “immunized”. That was clearly a lie, because he caught the fucking virus!

I was under that impression too. He had a lot of friends on that CalPoly coaching staff.

He’s worried that there will be even more evidence that, like his buddy Isiah Thomas, he is a total asshole behind that bullshit smile he always manages to flash in public.

Also helps to have the driving skill of Richard Petty to handle one of these at 200mph.

My first exposure to Super Dave was on Roy Firestone’s Sportslook interview program on ESPN. He did the “name game” routine, calling the host by every possible first name that starts with an “R” except “Roy”. Roger, Rudy, Rob, Ricky, Ray, etc. Each time, Roy would quietly correct him and suppress his laugh.

The people he is helping have the funds to spend on a completely frivolous $30K+ off-road vehicle, but can’t cough up a couple hundred to tow it out of trouble? Why should we feel sorry for anyone involved in this petty scam?

“Dey took our jerbs!”

Inspector Clouseau’s “Silver Hornet”

I would think that the main purpose for the walmart Oreo knockoffs is recipes for desserts that call for crushed or chopped Oreos. Who would destroy the real thing if a suitable substitute is available.

The other nonsensical bullshit is not letting Gaga talk to the actual woman she was portraying under the pretense of not wanting to glorify a felon.  That ship sailed when they cast one of the biggest superstars in the world to play her in a movie.  You really can’t glorify someone more than that.  

What about a President that single-handedly starts a trade war with a 2am tweet?

Just think how much more confusing it would have been if you had named the dog “Indiana”.

Does David Letterman get any royalties from this?

Gotta think his agent took one look at him and said, “Yes. I can find you work.”

Alabama and Canadian native Allison Parliament was in Canada for work...