I’ve been doing road side service for about 5 years now, and every now and then I’ll show up to do a tire change and have a woman or AFAB-type person ask me to show them how to do it themselves, but never any such requests from cis dudes.
I’ve been doing road side service for about 5 years now, and every now and then I’ll show up to do a tire change and have a woman or AFAB-type person ask me to show them how to do it themselves, but never any such requests from cis dudes.
Tow truck driver here. I operate a “wrecker” style wheel loft truck, and I tow Teslas all the damn time.
What have you used the road flares for? Most road flares burn for 15 minutes. Which is fine if you need to change a tire real quick, but not that useful if you’re waiting on the side of the road for a tow truck for an hour or two.
What have you used the road flares for? Most road flares burn for 15 minutes. Which is fine if you need to change a…
If I’m wearing flip-flops and need to operate a vehicle, I usually just kick them off and drive barefoot.
Apparently the court of appeals read ambiguity into the language of the law stating “a signal of intention [...] when required [...]”
States control the territorial waters extending 3 miles form their shorelines, so don’t go thinking you can build a seasteader city to free yourself from the shackles of turn signal laws!
Too many Californians have migrated northward. The lack of turn signal use down there is endemic. And that’s not hyperbole. The majority of people just do no use the damn things.
“Cosmopolitan” is also on this bizarre list of races, so I can only assume that it’s supposed to refer to Jewish “rootless cosmopolitans” of Soviet ire.
So, apparently the racial categories vary by locality, and most of them seem to be pretty standard for American bureaucratic forms. Rockbridge Circuit Court, however, has a list of of 230 approved races. This includes such nonsensical gems as: Phoenician, Hamitic, Cosmopolitan, and my personal favorite, Dutch East…
Helium nuclei (alpha particles), actually.
Not to mention you want to be careful about being in front of that car if it has an engine fire because the hood struts can heat up and shoot off like missiles.
Shoot, I don’t know if the average Tesla driver knows how to put the thing in “tow mode,” which is the only way to have the car stay in neutral when you get out. Heck, I’m a tow truck operator who’s towed a number of Teslas and it still takes me a minute to figure out what sub-menu it’s hidden in.
Titanium Man was a villain from the Soviet Union. Back in the day, the Soviet Union pioneered the use of titanium in military applications, as they were the primary global producer of titanium during the cold war. And titanium is *weakly* magnetic, so the incredible power that Magneto is usually shown possessing would…
It’s some stupid nonsense they do in California to extend the life of roadways, because heaven forbid they actually have to spend money maintaining their roads. I NEVER encountered roads like this on the east coast of the US unless they were in the process of repaving.
The recolors are also cheaper to buy and more common, sorta like the regular costumes. More work for the creators= less likely to get at random and more credits to purchase. The recolors are a bit meh, but they are way easier to get. Also, there’s voice lines, sprays and some new poses too.