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    I recently opened up my old Atari 7800 box at home and was surprised to find it worked beautifully. I have an old TV collecting dust, along with a PS2, N64, and SNES. I had the idea this weekend to set up a little retro gaming nook in my basement. All I need is a piece of furniture to house everything and I'm good to

    I used to hate spice because it hurt so much, but as I grew older, I started enjoying spicy food. I started light with the spice, and slowly worked my way up to more and more. I'm by no means an expert at eating spicy food (even i have my limits), but it's like building a tolerance with anything else. You start small

    give me 5FDP to wake up to any morning. Lift Me Up, Burn MF, Got Your Six, War is the Answer, any of those will get the blood moving in the morning.

    killing cable was all about money for me. I was unemployed for the better part of this year, and the first thing on my list of things to cut due to lack of funds was cable. By killing it, I've saved myself nearly a thousand dollars this year. I have my $50 internet bill, a netflix subscription, and a plex server for