
Cities are not congested with cars, they’re congested with people. Cut down on immigration and put a tax on having more than two children. That should go a long way into fixing our cities.

It’s not funny. And if this had been a women who couldn’t speak and was killed and fed to the dogs Jezebel and people commenting wouldn’t dare mock the story. Making jokes about a man who was brutally murdered is disgusting. The jokes and the picture are in bad taste.

I really have to say I think the ‘beggin’ strips’ joke and accompanying picture for this article are crass. These are terrible things that have happened to real people. I can’t imagine if a man had killed his wife in this manner that anyone on this site would be wise cracking.

“Beggin’ Strips commercials”?

Jesus, could you be more of an attention whore? Really not helping with the stereotype that girls attempt suicide for attention

I think describing that as physical assault is a bit much.

Now playing

Here’s the clearest video of the incident. Decide for yourselves.