Haha, yeah. I always attributed his racist or problematic stuff now to be more reflective of the views of the time than his own personal ones but I was definitely wrong on that. lol
Yeah, I always took his racist/overly stereotyped stuff as being more reflective of the times than his personal views but I guess I was wrong. At least he admitted it was wrong later in life!
Yeah, it’s interesting... I always simply took his more racist/stereotyping stuff as more reflective of the times than his personal views but I guess I was wrong! It's nice to know he stepped back on all of it later in life, though.
Well, that’s cool that he recognized it and apologized for it. I'm sure that knowing that can definitely change how you read and interpret his stuff.
That’s really interesting and something I never knew.
This is my nightmare.
That’s when you start sneezing on them... Or warn him that you drool when you sleep and start dribbling on his socks.
I say remaster because that normally means it comes out on multiple systems, which would be preferable to me. :)
That’s cool... But I’d need an Xbox One and that’s not in my plans to buy (especially with the PS5 coming next year). It’s funny because I think I have the physical game, too... just no Xbox to play it.
I keep hoping for them to release a remaster so I can play this... Someday. Maybe.
As I’ve said before, I’ve seen it and was pleasantly surprised. Not great but nowhere near terrible (i.e. Cats level).
Yeah, the lightsabers were neat. Once everyone got a lightsaber, it turned into a “first to 100" team melee. I was really hoping that we’d get our preferred saber as a pick skin.
Seriously. They were trying to make it seem dynamic and exciting but those camera angles and “locking” it onto a part of the characters/weapons just ended up looking awful.
Awww, we’ll miss you, Cecilia! Your articles were always a good read and I looked forward to your thoughts on the current animes out each season.
That’s kind of how I feel about dark, curly hair. There’s a distinct lack of good, curly hair in games... In fact, Joker was the first one that really have that wild and crazy ‘doo.
You assume most of these guys are paying rent and not living with their parents, scoffing at those who don’t or can’t get a VR set.
This is literally complaining for the sake of complaining... Was an article quota for the day not met?
I remember seeing this when I was 7... it was so insane and weird and, even then, I knew it wasn’t great but liked it all the same. I remember getting Dairy Queen afterwards and my dad complaining that he didn’t know it was a game movie.
Horror game Apsulov: End of Gods has it as an Easter egg/graffiti in viking runes. Made me laugh when I translated it.