
I hope you’re happy... you made me pre-order TF2. AND Battlefield 1.

After the (slightly) disappointing Master of Orion, I’m going to have to keep myself from getting too excited. I love SC2 so very much.

Thank you for your insight! I’ve been torn between TF2 and IW for a while but I think you’ve finally broken the stalemate: I’m probably going to go for TF2 (and eventually pick up IW on sale).

What are your thoughts with how it compares to Titanfall 2? I haven’t had a chance to play either multiplayer but loved TF1's style/gameplay/giant robots and BO3's clean and excellent mechanics.

I wouldn’t mind more “silent” games (especially RPGs)... unless the voice acting is really good, it’s annoying or grating and, at worst, it takes away from the game experience.

Well, you know... hunters.

Doing my newly traditional “October Spooky-Fest” where I play scary games and give them mini-reviews (in Great Pumpkins, of course) to my friends. So far, I’ve played through Kholat, Among the Sleep, Outlast 2 demo, and Layers of Fear... I’m going to be working on the new FNaF (Sister Location) tonight, followed by

Looking at these Nerdcore people, Trebek wasn’t far off. ;)

Not surprising... but that desert planet video? So cool looking!

Aside from playing my normal FF14, I’ve decided to do an October Spookfest... playing some of my backlog of horror games (everything from the Outlast 2 demo to Among the Sleep). It’s been fun so far!

Now playing

Ended at a hospital? Million to one shot! ;)

Remember when Buffy and Spike had sex so hard that they destroyed a house?

Haha! I loved how they did the “shadows out of the corner of your eye” thing in the school... that was nice and creepy. I know I jumped at THE jumpscare in the school.

I played it last night... I think it has some HUGE potential. The big(ish) open cornfield area was different from anything in the original and the stress of them hunting for you was definitely there.

People will question why I’m a proponent for concealed carrying a handgun.. that title picture is my answer. :/

I managed to snag a copy of Destiny and its new stuff for pretty cheap... I’ve done the introductory chapter. I need to do more... but other games keep calling me. :/

I wonder what his APM were...

I’ve actually never played ESO! I’ve played practically every other MMO, too... I used to be a huge WoW person but stopped just before Cataclysm was released. I then went on an MMO hiatus for a number of years until earlier this year, when my friend invited me to play FF14.

You’re never too late to catch up! What I’ve really liked about FF14 is that it doesn’t require a lot of grinding outside of what you would normally do for the main story quest... aside from that, you could always run the newish (since the last patch) Palace of the Dead, which can level you up pretty fast.