It’s very different from what was originally presented as Prey 2, but I’m going to give it a chance. Looks like it could be interesting... even if it’s not what I was expecting.
It’s very different from what was originally presented as Prey 2, but I’m going to give it a chance. Looks like it could be interesting... even if it’s not what I was expecting.
Is it consistently freezing during the same activities (like, it’s freezing after playing games for a while)?
Even though I ended up not being scared of Outlast after a couple hours (I stopped caring if I died, since there wasn’t any real consequence), it’s still a great horror game and experience. This is the first time I’ve seen the header image and it’s making me excited.
I was scared at first... then I stopped caring about dying (since there’s no penalty, really) and it stopped being scary practically instantly.
I’m going to continue my farming/grinding of Palace of the Dead in FF14... the level 235 weapon is way too tempting to pass up (and takes much less time to grind than the Anima weapons). Not only that, but the Aetherpool dragoon weapon is absolutely perfect for my character, Undyne Undying.
Inside is fantastic. We need to do a discussion on its world, story, and interpretations of the unfolding events.
Just so people know, I was attempting to make a joke about how when it’s make, it’s professor and when it’s a woman it’s lady and something about inequality. Or maybe say that Nintendo knows what’s up when it comes to female professors, or something. I didn’t really do a good job in showing it as a joke. :/
That’s surprising. I was thinking mid to late 20s, as well.
That’s very true. (And I totally understand why they’re calling it Lady Layton, I simply think ti’s funny that that’s the only title they can come up with when their Layton is female.)
Professor Layton didn’t look that old, either...
That’s a really boring design on Lady Layton. I feel like Professor Layton’s design, while also simple, has more personality.
Well, I have never seen that comic until just now. Interesting, I suppose.
The cake is a lie was amazing when it first came to light but you had to experience it in the game to really understand it (and appreciate it). The fact that it took on such a life of its own outside the game (and those who played it) didn’t do it any favors, especially for those not privy to it or its origins.…
I’m fine with this being Nintendo’s new mobile platform (to replace the 3DS) but not with it replacing the Wii U. Makes me worry that they’re pretty much “done” with the console.
You are a man of excellent taste, Mr. Plunkett. Blame is one of my favorite mangas that I re-read every once in a while (maybe once a year) because it’s so amazing.
Hmm, that promo code for that Raspberry Pi 3 starter kit isn’t working for me. :(
Hmm, that promo code for that Raspberry Pi 3 starter kit isn’t working for me. :(
Your parents.
Hmm... I was more excited before they said it spotlight be able to get anything else. And I’m even less excited after learning of the potential of RetroPi... In fact, I’m almost definitely building one.
Classic BEC.