
Turkey is a truly unique country, as it straddles the onset of progressive thought among youth, but is influenced heavily by more traditional (yes) middle-eastern values. And it is absolutely dependent on where you are in the country when you speak of the politics and cultural norms. Too many assume the north-west is

you just made my morning. Thank you.

Absolutely. Especially stranger-rape, as I think it is the easiest to prove as a hate crime...how that isn't already on the books as targeting someone based on the group they were born into baffles me.

Ahhh yes....the Ginger-Kids.

"nepenthes pharmakon (i.e. an anti-sorrow drug) is a magical potion given to Helen by Polydamna the wife of the noble Egyptian Thon; it quells all sorrows with forgetfulness."

I got it at Hallmark about 10 years ago....but there might be a few still floating around. :)

I 'll check it out. Thanks!

Sephora sells an inexpensive brush disinfectant spray. Works in between washes AND lets you wash them less frequently :P

Thanks for the suggestion...that Black Tea mask Ellie suggested is $88.00! :/

Do you have Netflix?

I have a Bunny-suit Ralphie Christmas tree ornament...I can't wait to hang it up in 2 days at my parents house. Keep posting your Ralphies and I'll represent with the lamps!!!

What is Napenthe?

Yayyy for alliteration! Mortao Moator. Crikey, that's a mouthful! My name is alliterative too, so is yours, holy crap.


I was just thinking the same thing! She still thought she had a shot, and was disappointed it was over. Nothing wrong with the kid being upset. EVERYTHING wrong with the all the momsplaining (lol-autocorrect wanted that to be 'mom straining'- that works too :).

what else do you know about that CA case...that sounds creepy!

So many things going through his mind, here. I can practically hear the gears grinding.

Amazon or Overstock will have Mexican art/trinkets/food. DON'T SAY A WORD about the way you got it. Tell the other recipients you got their things in Mexico, and by the time she opens her gift, she'll think hers was purchased there, too. White lies are OK when they spare people's feelings. Hopefully you won't even

Oh my God. FUCK RyanAir! They screwed me so bad. :/

they are both light purple, but I was under the impression that lavender is on the blue end, while lilac is on the red. In terms of purple base.