
I loved that movie!!! Yayyy!!!

I hate that piece of shit!

Your a piece of shit that leaves dog abuse videos on the comment thread,

Your a piece of shit that leaves dog abuse videos on the comment thread,

Your a piece of shit that leaves dog abuse videos on the comment thread,

What a nightmare that must have been for that poor kid...I remember that.

Bingo! You just defined misogyny, and why so many women are upset with that shit in Rogers' manifesto. She was venting her frustration with this to her husband. It's how marriages work.

You just summed that up beautifully. As "repeat customers" to Gawker media, those of us who have been here for a while, and try not to be totally antagonistic, deserve better than the (sometimes outright) harassment and abuse that comes out of a lot of the burner accounts.

:/ upsetting, right?

You most certainly did mean it as an insult (pretty fucking classy using a disability, by the way) and your acting like a little bitch with your defensive, nasty shit. Go stew in it. I was one of the only people who was nice to you, and not disagreeing, and in your fucking frenzy of getting all pissed off at the other

Was that the "almost lost an eye" comment? God...the responses to that we're so fucking literal, I couldn't believe it. If there was any doubt that that there is a serious issue with misogyny in this country, the Elliot Roger case not only highlighted it by occurring, but also by bringing the seething and intense

Now playing

Reposted-because everyone needs to hear this today!

Now playing

:) This song is an amazing start to the weekend!!!!

Crikey, your a nasty one, to jump to that kind of reaction out of the gate. Why are you so vitriolic? I was talking about him using the figurative "you". Like, "Thou shalt not kill", general application. And people with dyslexia are extremely intelligent, so your "insult" wasn't as cutting as you wanted it to be.

That's cool...but don't hate the people who have standards of their own, ya know? I think that's what everyone's getting at. Certainly nothing wrong with aiming for the stars ...but don't nuke the moon just because you didn't have enough rocket-fuel.

It's so sad when what you said actually NEEDS to be said. :(

That was a REALLY good article!