
LeBatard is ESPN’s crazy uncle that is great fun to be around but also says and does things that embarrass the hell out of the rest of the family. He loves the anarchy that he’s got the ability to sow when he just parodies the self righteous network blowhards. I’m a big fan of that, of his being 180 degrees out of

I see him as a self-aware blowhard, so...better than most, I guess.

Le Batard would and does often say he is a blowhard, or in his term, a gasbag. But he also believes himself a journalist. So both

I’m a fan and he is both. Sometimes at the same time.

I divide these guys in two groups. The group that believes in what they’re saying and the group that doesn’t need to believe it to say it. Lebatard is at least in the first group, and that makes him good with me (obviously that matters to you I’m sure).

Certainly the former, sometimes the latter.

Who are these magical motherfuckers who WIN the arguments in their head? I always feel like an asshole and drown in a handle of vodka afterward.

I’m amazed Manfred agreed to go into such a hostile environment, though this interview lays bare he is a massive tool.

eh, brandon belt had a 117 ops+ last year a 3 bwar in 104 games. Then again, once you’re “but actually-ing” for brandon belt like I am, you’ve already lost

In fairness, all of college football has a history of hating Lane Kiffin.

Kiffin’s a douche but this reminds me of when Lou Holtz was an assistant at OSU and late in a game against Michigan OSU scored a TD to go up by like 30 and Woody Hayes wanted to go for 2. Holtz asked him why they were going for 2 and he responded “because we can’t go for 3".

Like I said, I’m not defending his sexism or misogyny, though that’s not limited to Eminem by any stretch, especially within the context of 90s and early 2000s hip hop. I am saying that his third album had a lot of quality social and personal critique that had nothing to do with demeaning women, and a lot to do with

I just have a hard time getting around anything being “encrusted” in any way throughout the entire enterprise.

He had a lot to say on the Eminem Show. There’s a lot of solid social critique there. Best album. Last good one.

So scratchy, tho...