
You mean over 9000x better. ...... Okay I'll leave now.

It is a ton of fun & Stainless did a great job on it. Another game I'm glad I Kickstarted.

Dat ass...

I think I'm detecting a theme here...

I shall dub you Cutesader, Bow and Adorable, and Awwwchemist.

All of these are ADORABLE! I love the art style.

Hopefully Touring Superleggera gets well paid for their design. The need money to keep doing beautiful coachwork.

In the movie Her, i was obssessed with the setting, i'm particularly drawn to the elevated pedestrian bridge.


In my mind, Motoko "The Major" Kusanagi is without a Doubt the coolest woman in Manga & Anime History. She's a genuinely awesome character who doesn't so much eschew traditional gender rolls as she does ignore them. She just happens to be a female, and a BAMF to boot. She does whatever she wants regardless, gender

I see nothing wrong with a black and blue Freeza.

I'm sure to get a lot of hate, but I like that Lexus is going for such bold, outlandish, audacious designs.

I can think of a REAL easy way to figure out who owns it: Release the game, then see who sues you!

Gonna miss William Bell

Inter-vehicle communication. Like local network connected vehicles on a highway that can help maintain traffic flow during high congestion situations, help prevent accidents, and share diagnostic information.

This is a simple one...when the wipers go on for more than a few seconds, the headlights should automatically go on. Most states have "wipers on - lights on" laws, but every time it rains I see numerous cars driving around with their lights off...and wipers going. We all know that cars with their lights on make them

Volvo hates making imaginary money that Jalops will throw at their own monitors because none of them a) buy new cars and/or b) can afford new cars.