
How did either the Mach 5 or Racer X's car from the Speed Racer movie not make this list? Is that not explicitly the future or something?

She looks surprisingly gorgeous with the short pixie cut. Although I think Gem here still looks better. Something about the curves...

I don't care so much about this car than its owner...

It's like someone took a Jaguar Xj220 and turned it into the coolest looking MPV I've ever seen.

And chassis. And wheels, and interior, and transmission, and suspension...

It's remarkable how a change of perspective can make a game go from eh to must have. Definitely planning to pick this up now, all the better that I haven't played GTA5 to begin with.

Everything about this interior is perfect.

This is a 240C.

I don't know how functional those mirrors are, but something about them just makes me swoon.

I want this. I want it so much. That color is awesome.

Aaaaaaaa they need to sell this officially. I need this!

The two-door wagon.

We haven't seen this body style in the states for almost 30 years (even longer for this particular Ford example). The supreme in duel personality...

I think my supervisor is sleeping with his boss.

These two:

I loved how irreverent it was. I'd gotten so tired of—as you say—Modern Military Shootermans 2013 Brofest Edition DLC. It was something different with some easy humor and some actually relatively deep characters. Tiny Tina? A WHOLE sad as hell back story explaining her insanity. I liked BL2.

I'm not actually a fan of Borderlands, and a lot of that has to do with the series' tone and writing, in particular the level the second game pitched itself at.

Add my name to the list that would absolutely buy this car if it came out. But they don't need to mess it up and turn it into a sedan only. I (and many others) want the shooting brake, 2 door variant.