
I'm curious if the car changed names after it was repainted lime green? After all, it was called the "Ford 021C" because it's the Pantone code number for that shade of orange.

Keep an eye out for its debut release next year on PC ;)

I've never been a fan of hyper-realism. I've found that game devs that choose to stick to a specific art-style tend to focus on better gameplay.

I really like the way this car looks. And strangely I don't really care that it looks like an R8 copy. Who is going to complain about getting to see more good looking cars? The badge doesn't matter to me. A Renault that looks like an R8 is still better than an Audi that looks like another boring sedan. I still smile

Motor racing provides an environment where there are rules which govern the design of the cars. These rules are either imposed by the racing regulatory agency or the laws of physics. Since everyone has to follow these rules it seems likely that through natural selection a dominate form will emerge.

Watch this get Delayed and turned into Saints Row V... just like Enter The Dominatrix...

I would like to take this opportunity to confirm for the record that I am also a cat.

Need For Speed II:

As the owner of 2 identical 2006 GTOs...

So by the time you've read all the signs... you've got a parking ticket.


Mustang. Everyone knows what a Mustang is.

Not James Bond's finest outing? Goldeneye is considered one of the better Bond movies! It's definitely considered the best Brosnan Bond Movie.

Lotus Carlton, the Charger Hellcat of the early 90s. That's when 'fast' and 'sedan' are rarely mentioned in the same sentence.

A lot of people seem to think it's hideous, but I have a soft spot for the Porsche Panamera Turbo S

I wound up enjoying Far Cry 3 a lot more than I was expecting to (50+ hours on my first playthrough and didn't even notice!) and everything Ubisoft is showing me makes me want this more. It looks like they've fixed the few complaints I had from Far Cry 3, too. More mission variety (although that could just be

Unpredictable funky moments like the hallucinations in FC3 and the final part of Blood Dragon (you know exactly what) is exactly what make me excited for this game.

I liked Remember Me a whole lot.