The 914/6. An amazing car that was better than its contemporary 911 and cornered like a cat on rails.
The 914/6. An amazing car that was better than its contemporary 911 and cornered like a cat on rails.
yup, I played it on PC. The model looks really bad, but the art direction is a godly masterpiece
You know, I understand the point of having seperate male and female sports when they require physical activity, as there are obvious physical differences that make different categories make sense.
First Gen Focuses... the horror... the horror.
I absolutely love 1-1. By far my favorite Mario level.
If you immediately thought "must use a glitch," you'd be right: this run of Super Mario Bros. 3 posted by TASVideosC…
Shooters, despite some evidence to the contrary, are actually rare.
Want proof at how unpopular this love doll idol is? Nobody showed up to the Silicon Maru's meet-and-great. Nobody.
OK, that bit at the end did make me chuckle.
On 2ch, Japan's largest forum, some net users tried to clarify the fan art, saying that she was being portrayed as an anime heroine—and not a sex symbol. "The reporter made a huge mistake," wrote one 2ch user, adding that she was less a sex symbol in Japan and more of a cute symbol. Eh... "She got maaaaaaaaaaad at…