
You must have missed all the soft porn.

Her beating was most odd. She shrieked and whimpered a bit and then went silent whilst her beating continued. This would happen if you were being beaten around the head and lost consciousness but she wasn't hit about the head at all. She can take a beating better than i ever could. (or it was just a really poorly

If Mike is going to dispose of a body under the footings of "swings and slides" it's going to give new meaning to the scene in Breaking Bad where he's sat on the bench watching his grand daughter at the playground… on the swings.

It sure was a weird episode. I kept getting the feeling it was an episode straight out of Twin Peaks. It reminded me a lot of that show.

Wouldn't that exposure in turn lead to questions being asked (by the defence) about the perfectly timed surveillance of the FBI and that Chuck initiated that and everything becoming clear that it was entrapment?
I'm not sure but i would of thought Axe's legal team would only take 10 mins to join the dots and find it

Same here! It was very much like Hustle.

Should also be noted that it's a forum that posts stolen celeb pics/data but yet have no end of celebs still queuing up to do AMAs there.

I have no idea. Does she?

I guessed you weren't British or you would know the horrific story. It has many layers to it. Each more shocking than the next. You can probably find a docu on youtube about it but due to "legal reasons" no docu to date has been brave enough to name and shame all those involved. But the general story is out there and

I think he's sane enough to know he's done plenty wrong. I don't buy into all the excuses that celebs seem to think they have a god given right to. He knows he's a bad egg. I hope he gives himself nightmares.

Your comment is typical of those of us who grew up with Jimmy as some kind of saint. Oh how wrong we were. What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck! is what we are all left feeling. It's something none of us were prepared for. What's more…
He had access to hospital patients that were severely disabled and the hospital morgues. Because

He did well in that interview until he mentioned his love for Gary Glitter

if you ignore all the evidence that comes from the mouths of HIS OWN FAMILY you may have a point. You're a Woody Allen sympathiser. I get that but i wouldn't choose to be vocal about it if i was one. You just make yourself look like a pedo sympathiser yourself.

Not only a TV celeb but knighted by the queen. Sir Jimmy Saville.
All because he made lots of money for charities running (walking really) marathons.

What's more crazy is believing an individual is "O.K" because he made some decent films whilst ignoring what a monster lurks beneath. That's crazy.

Worse. He had a "thing" for dead bodies. Necrophilia i think it's called. When his mother died (he called the duchess) he then spent several days with her dead body in her house.
I can only imagine why he did this. Scary really.

The ones that get away with it always hide in the open.

Pre DNA evidence. Things were simpler then for the average sex pest.

In my experience no family goes around openly and publicly accusing another family member of sex crimes. UNLESS IT'S TRUE.

It's equally sickening who he shared his victims with. Many have still gone uncharged. Some ongoing (Cliff) Some have died and got away with it. I'm looking at you "Judge Pickles" the whole thing concerning Saville smells of rancid flesh. Politicians, councillors, Judges, Magistrates and celebs. All people in power