

I think it was Hitchock or Olson Welles who once said that an all-time classic movie is ‘three excellent scenes and no bad ones’, and much in that vein I would describe an all-time classic director’s career as “three excellent films and more mediocre than bad ones”.

Blomkamp is very much a strong

Supervillains is a massive stretch and implies that they have some grander nefarious plans, which in this series and for the vast majority of the comic they really don’t.

The entire point of the series is that if superheroes were real, they would most closely resemble your typical arrogant self-centered asshole

Time travel is a cop-out.

You can quantifiably say that X amount of money in Y year is worth Z amount of money in present day, though.

If we’re going to adjust for more competition in 2019, then we should also adjust for the increasingly globalised population of 8 billion who go to see all those mainstream blockbusters.

It’s not very good snark if I have to repeatedly wonder if people around here are genuinely mentally challenged or on some next-level clickbait shit.

Although now that you mention it, I guess I DO come to AVC for that.

I can’t really picture the Russo’s personally earning much of Cameron’s respect.

Let’s be honest here, Endgame is hardly the highest grossing film of all time due to their sheer artistic flair and auteurship as filmmakers.

The criticism regarding this show being convoluted isn’t that you legitimately need 120 IQ to understand it, just that all of the multiple timeline, bodyswapping, flashback flashforward, oblique dialogue fuckery doesn’t really serve any greater purpose aside from cynically screwing with the audience to be clever for

Yeah but such a weird bit of passive aggressive “GRRRRR LOOK AT THOSE ENTITLED NERDSSSS ARGHH” bullshit that keeps coming up despite the fact approx. zero non-AVC-writer people out there ever thought this joke online petition had any serious sentiment behind it.

Will someone think of those poor double-digit millionaires who only had one job to do and couldn’t be arsed to stay on it for an extra three years.

The real question is whether he would have still qualified as a douche if the target was one of many, many, many, many people the writers of this site love to faux-snark about.

I wasn’t a fan of the reveal at the end and how it was handled in general, but holy shit Adams’ acting was pure 👌👌👌.

The no-shit-sherlock levels are right up there with “Famous comedian with multiple decades spanning career dislikes being told what they can or can’t do by random people on Twitter” which is an article that seems to come up about once every month.

Accurate to what?

Holland isn’t 616 Parker, nor Ultimate Parker, nor the original Ditko Parker, nor basically any of the comic book interations of Parker you could pick at random.

I love Atlanta, but Donald Glover turned into more than a bit of a pretentious arrogant jackass as soon as he transitioned into being a “””serious””” auteur showrunner and a “””serious””” rapper.

He doesn’t hate Community or anything like that, but from the various interview snippets across the years it’s pretty clear

Inside No 9, I honestly find better than Black Mirror on average.

More like 90% of her personalities are massive pricks.

Literally like 91% of your comments are silly-ass bitching.

Literally like 90% of your comments are silly-ass bitching.

Ragnarok is literally just Guardians 2.5: Thor Edition.