Amateurish is when you don’t spend $50mil on those signature Netflix production values that somehow always manage to look more fake and cheap than a shoe-string budget BBC production.
Amateurish is when you don’t spend $50mil on those signature Netflix production values that somehow always manage to look more fake and cheap than a shoe-string budget BBC production.
Portia did him dirty first pretty much any way you look at it. Immediately moving on is pretty much the most mature and responsible reaction you could hope for.
80% of the characters RTD writes are LGBT, he can kill a gay or two as a treat.
My only solace with regard to having been grey’d is that Laserface has also been grey’d and can’t post yet another reference to that fucking lonely island video
Aye, it’s a village with a population of 3,500 that’s largely a day-out tourist attraction because of it’s overall quaint atmosphere*.
An additional 150 McMansions should certainly raise same eyebrows.
* number of millionaires who settle down there for that same reason nonwithstanding
bro I really got myself unapproved didn’t I
I’d go as far as to criticise most songs in Encanto for not really going as hard as they could due to LMM’s subpar vocals skills having such an obvious influence on his songwriting.
Which is fine, not every song has to be a classic Broadway belter, but perhaps he could use a break from being involved in literally…
See also: Fauci having no issue deliberately lying about shit in the name of ‘the greater good’.
The one problem with the “Trust the SCIENCE™” crowd is that the ‘science would usually just be parroting CNN’s latest stance which isn’t exactly a glowing endorsement to anyone even slightly sceptical of the mainstream…
ehhh, having hung around Gen Zs and done a lot of drugs, I don’t think they drug particularly more or less than millennials. If you’re in the ‘drug crowd’, you’re in the ‘drug crowd’.
I wouldn’t necessarily get into the Gen Z/Millenial distinction regardless, though. This is a ‘’’Gen Z’’’ show written by an old fart…
Someone in the previous episode’s comment section pointed out that the high-octane drug partying is pretty much exclusively a “Sam Levinson is a son of an extremely rich Hollywood director/executive and grew up in a drug-party-bubble that’s extremely unusual even by a young rich drug party person standards” thing.
Rick and Morty be like “we’ll have a dozen continuity episodes, but every three minutes Rick will stop and tell the audience how fucking stupid they are for enjoying the recurring storylines”, as they voluntarily continue to make more lore episodes.
Dan Harmon having two excellent seasons of a show and then gradually…
I kind of go back and forth on Fight Club where on one hand it feels pretty juvenile nowadays, but on the other there is a certain degree of “akshually it’s about TOXIC MASCULINITY and you are secretly THE BIG GAY ALL ALONG for enjoying it you stupid dudebro” counter-backlash that’s clearly less about the merits or…
Here’s a NY Times article written by a lesbian woman who appears to strongly disagree with your assertion, so how about you pipe the fuck down with the “everything I don’t like is rape culture and everyone who disagrees with me is a rapist” Twitter hysteria.
What’s his big crime? Having a shitty awkward date where he tried to take things further three times while they were already fooling around naked in his house and then sending his date home when she finally properly communicated her discomfort to him?
I’m of the belief that you could completely remove Tom from P&R…
There is nothing remotely sexy/enticing about the nudity in this show, especially knowing that most of the nudity is played up to be from high schoolers.
Yeah but Venture Bros is fucking quality so by the time the new season rolls around it’s a perfect opportunity to binge watch it from the beginning.
Correction, it’s A24 Skins with rich people.
Although having missed out on it when it aired, I was always under the impression Skins was already quite firmly under the rich teenager problems umbrella.
Hey I’ve checked out after the finale with the Magical Creatures Amusement Park, is it worth catching up?
Every single frame of Scott Pilgrim knows exactly what it wants to be, but what it is aiming for is a very specific early 20s first world problems insufferable ironic hipsterhood kind of vibe.