
@rentahero1: Console makers ought to get shafted as well. What they, and Apple especially, are doing is essentially strong-arming independents by exercising anti-competitive control over their platforms. It's anti-competitive no matter of how many players are out there, and even by the most libertarian standards. Car

Well, at least you can easily protect them from dust with a condom.

@Dr. Evil Genius: Guns of Summer: I stand corrected, I wanted to write `over 13` but then I'd be unintentionally accusing this poor `woman` of being a pedophile. Well, now when I mention it...

Is that a sequel to Finding Nemo called Finding Signal?

@jtanz0: Yes, but she'd probably spy on you...

@vinod1978: While certainly not being a pleasant experience, it's tenfolds more disturbing when that happens in a theater that plays Twilight... It's almost on par of getting caught masturbating by your mother, and just a tad bit less disturbing than the other way around.

@ModernBawhair: You should sue your parents for not rising you properly so you've ended up going to cinema to watch a movie about teen vampires ;P

@tomsomething: While I do agree, think how you'd feel if the whole country (and now via Giz and other portals the whole world) would know that you actually watched Twilight...

@AwokeKnowing: It takes a lot more than $50k for emotional suffering due to the whole country knowing you've watched that. I'd ask for at least a mil.

@Mike Zuniga Has A Website: Really? She believes in magic pants? And somebody pays to watch her on a big screen? Man... humanity is doomed...

That's what you get when you go to a theater to watch a teen soap opera when being clearly over 19...

Futurama is back! I laughed my ass off when Fry was buying an eyePhone, and almost rolled on the floor when Fry discovered Leila's dirty little secret... 'You've named your...' (I won't spoil it for you) is one of the best lines in Futurama ever!

@Fizzter: Incidentally enough, most self-proclaimed liberals act as down-right fascists. Liberalism is kind-of anarchy with order - a small state providing only the bare minimum and keeping the field leveled, everything else is up to people and their freedoms. It can be described blatantly as: your right to sway your

@Ssscorpion: You, sir, have no idea what a liberal is. I can't think of any group that would be more against imposing artificial rights than liberals themselves.

@Aklost: That condition is medically called the `Starbucks syndrome`.

@rahrness: As Jeff said, implementing PoE is as easy as having powered USBs, while it still gives you far more flexibility (albeit controllers might cost higher if you want it to have features such as voltage and current negotiation). As for the UWB, cat5 can handle it up to 10m with no problems, and up to 30m with

@Jeff: Argh, I've been trying to answer rahrness the same thing, but Giz seems to bug-out. Thanks for stepping in, and answering in almost the same style as I would ;)

... except it is NOT a N9...