
@minimaltek: can we sue the ocean for child molestation?

Just the right thing that the dark side of the force needed.

Not cool. Not cool at all. In fact, you can set something on fire with it! Hot stuff coming through...

Still no 10.1 debug version...

@Wheema: to value form over function, you at least need some function - there ain't one in this case ;)

@unusualHoon: That's nothing compared to my ancient [] I dropped that baby from the 4th floor on concrete - its cover shattered in smithereens, but $10 for the plastic case and it was up and running again like nothing happened to it. I'm not sure I'd have the heart to do that to my N900 now... And I'm

@atrus123: There are only two kinds of people - the ones that have dropped their cell phone, and the ones that will drop their cell phone.

Figured out that much... Come on, do you really expect smarts at Mecca for politicians? :D

@CSX321: Try clearing your cache and cookies for Gawker-based sites, and then try again. I contacted the staff but I don't know if they've changed something or it was just a cookie mess-up, either way it started working.

It asked me to verify my email, so I reentered it, got mail from Giz, and when I click on the link from email I get `Invalid url` *huh*

Beer IS food... No need to trash its taste by combining it with some other, lesser food...