I think games like this are why indie titles are taking off. They are infinitely better to consumers than AAA titles.
I think games like this are why indie titles are taking off. They are infinitely better to consumers than AAA titles.
Man i get you... but also somehow i find a nuanced satisfaction in the evolving slang of the young.
hey man i get you, im anti-capitalist all the way, but i wasnt really remarking on the state of our morality in finance.
For me it's a money issue. We all know she is loaded.... Couldn't the money she makes during this controversy be donated to a women's shelter or something? I mean it seems gross to profit off of publically suffering when so many others are just alone with the same issue.
ya man like i been all over the map and am basically getting one hit murdered everywhere. Weird cyborg enemies at liurna lake take like three hits but they have four arms so it may as well be as devastating as those crows with teeth. The boss at castle morne is also one hitting me... i guess i will reluctantly spend a…
work hard so you can play hard at not working hard..... bro curb the ageism step up the thought.
I honestly just found my appetite for advancement hindered by unclear gameplay elements.
Thats not a question.
To me this is a symptom of the programming we all know that exists to track us.
Ya this is essentially where I’m at.
I actually trust opinions here more knowing that their review isnt contingent on appeasing the advertising narrative a publisher wants for their game.
That’s not the point made by the original post; and even if i agreed with you that the hypocrisy around corporate influence leveraging anti-corporate sentiment were worth mentioning it doesn’t undo my initial analysis.
Its because they fear losing their unearned social relevance as the world moves on to being more inclusive and finding value in people other than whatever cohort the OP thinks deserves to have the opinions they espoused.
This is exactly how i felt. Right after AC3 i was damn sure there was gonna be an entry with special forces in the cold war.
done reading. To the DNA explorer concept i have a hardy FUFUFUUFUFU!!!
I didnt even read this article... im more excited to share with my meager online game community our collective VINDICATION!
The reason those games got the steam they did is because they made dry widely unknown history palatable and interesting but it was a leap. Ubisoft made a smaller leap in 3 and 4 to history many learned in western schools, but still they did a great job making dry. Events interesting.
Go back and play black flag. It’s still available on modern systems and there’s a reason everyone raves about it.
Its not that you need to exclude yourself for liking Odyssey and origins, but to be clear that doesn’t mean you’re an asscreed fan.