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    I actually love the souls games and many of their spinoff titles as well as fully assume their system of action based stat combat is the THE new defacto system for RPGs moving forward.

    This is a bigger issue. I know lots of guys who play online shooters (i used to play team fortress/2 and counter-strike but havent been into it in awhile). The community that played older titles, even PUBG to an extent are more of your classic gamer. The modern shooter has gotten tied up with streaming and the weird

    I thoroughly enjoyed Persona 5's menu system it really does make the turn based system feel fresh when its not.

    Try a tales game. Theyre action oriented JRPGs where you control your party like a beat-em-up (sorta).

    Dude seriously.... it was a list. If youre satisfied why did you come here just to say that? shouldnt you be playing more list games? or just reading an index somewhere?

    In all likelihood if you can make whatever move you want and never lose youre grinding too much.

    You make the massive assunmption that all those things you know are widely known when theyre not. New gamers in general need a chance to learn and arent gonna go play the old FF games. They need explicit opportunities to understand something that you and I went out of our way to try to understand because it was a

    I really think you might be looking back with rose coloured glasses. I too enjoyed classic final fantasy titles of the PSX/2 era, however i also remember the specific problem with ATB that i think puts off modern gamers.

    Man does MGS4 ever take me back. First game i beat on max difficulty.

    If youre really into wasting your time just get into reality TV. Dont actually, but I find i remember way more about the ridiculous stuff my lady plays in the background of my life than anything that happened in the new wave AC games. Theyre just a shoehorning of popular game mechanics. Totally soulless to the point

    no thanks what? Also what’s distressing your mental health?

    I was worried you would take it that way... i didnt mean diet like foods you eat i meant it like foods you buy, you know because stuff has gotten more expensive lately?

    Same here. I enjoy alot of paradox titles but i just cant justify paying the price of two comparable titles to get all the content.

    You gotta look into stores that sell bulk or restaurant grade and get a bag for your freezer.

    Ill be honest and answer all those questions if you like. You gotta promise not to fly off the handle.

    This article was a pretty shallow glorification of a very mildly impressive instance of trolling.

    Ignore the salt. You saved yourself. Theres massive dynamic systems throughout the entire game but the last forty minutes are the first ten all over again.

    That was some straight FOX news logic

    I beat the whole game on the hardest difficulty and i agree with the other comments. Gameplay is palatable at best and broken/boring often.

    I really enjoy that your bigotry got so much roasting. Im not sure whether you dont know what jingoist means or if youre unaware of the problematic history of the US influencing south American nations through proxy conflicts.