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    The format for 2 is the same.  

    I could get a copy of three remade for the ps4 i think. What makes it so much better than 4? Your opinion is welcome, but I would appreciate a little more to go on.

    i dont do the point by point thing

    I gotta say I’m a little tired of people comparing games that sell now to games that sold when we would still get harassed by Chad’s for talking openly about playing a video game.

    Assassins creed is the epitome of dead horse still being beaten.

    You made the right call. I would say that was their last worthwhile game. I enjoyed farcry 4 but i think that was likely just because i skipped 3.

    I can’t speak for others but to me at least video games encapsulate alot of what made rampant consumerism hard to identify but easy to excuse.

    What you describe is actually just a dated perspective on the same system. What made looters good in the past was that itch you scratch by solving a problem with unique resources.

    care less bro

    no i didnt... its a good thing you came along. I might otherwise have just walked around ignorant to that super important fact.

    i googled up dorohedoro after seeing this listicle. It wasnt the longest manga and i dont think there are any plans to continue the anime. It wasnt produced by netflix, so i think they just bought some rights and slapped her up for us.... im gonna be skeptical with my choices of anime on there going forward.

    See that might be true in a well established market but i would say video games and virtual/screen based entertainment are expanding. In the end the thing we all bet on is market factors and I think that even some of the most efficiently monetized games are still facing competition from some of the best out-of-box

    Give it time. I can say with certainty that as far as individual developers and publishers go the ones operating a traditional model (sale of a finished product) get more of MY money.

    This is the main reason im not huge fn of live service games, but it could also just be square being awful.

    Wii was the last console of nintendo’s i got behind. I really enjoyed madworld as well as no more heroes, but after the wiiU came out i assumed gimmicks would be a higher priority than games and i swapped for a more mainstream console. (initially to my chagrin having been a fan of nintendo’s quality products)

    Ya brother i wouldnt get the eagle. Like i know the history is there but Germany had an empire just like alot of European powers, between that and world war two well.... nationalism is becoming a fraught concept most places in the west, in Germany i could see that being a little more tense.

    meh.... i was like fifteen it seemed like a cool twist after only having played 3 briefly at a buddies place and being terrified. I have only slightly better taste now.

    I suppose i hadnt considered that nintendo doesnt fund games for other consoles and only gets ports of its own. I suppose with the variety of cross platform games its getting now on switch versus past consoles I had assumed that something would have gone the other way and ported to other consoles or PC after having

    I read your reply incorrectly and unfortunately i got it after the other two which made me a little irate so i replied in turn with too much ire. I apologize. I should have been alot more measured.... that or i should have waited a bit and ignored those early replies as it turns out im getting at least one or two

    man thanks for those answers i already mentioned i had. So helpful.