
Deep Cover is wonderful in its over the top way, while still being a really good crime film in its own right. It also boasts one of the greatest edits in movie history, the "homless wipe" Look it up, I think CHUD.COM did an article on it.

Deep Cover is wonderful in its over the top way, while still being a really good crime film in its own right. It also boasts one of the greatest edits in movie history, the "homless wipe" Look it up, I think CHUD.COM did an article on it.

Many actors are cast in roles that suit their personalities:  Dolph Lungren is always a stoic killing machine, Sam Rockwell is always a fidgety smart-alec, Adam Sandler is always a man-child.

Many actors are cast in roles that suit their personalities:  Dolph Lungren is always a stoic killing machine, Sam Rockwell is always a fidgety smart-alec, Adam Sandler is always a man-child.

There aren't enough superlatives in my vocabulary to describe the love I have for this film. It's a perfect crime drama, from top-to-bottom. It boasts Bill Paxton's finest performance, and Michael Beach is one of the great underrated villains. He's absolutely terrifying in this.

There aren't enough superlatives in my vocabulary to describe the love I have for this film. It's a perfect crime drama, from top-to-bottom. It boasts Bill Paxton's finest performance, and Michael Beach is one of the great underrated villains. He's absolutely terrifying in this.

Unless he's seen it, in which case I'm sure he'd tell you it's very, very good.

Unless he's seen it, in which case I'm sure he'd tell you it's very, very good.

I generally grow tired of the "the first season isn't that good, but it gets WAY better" line that seems to go with a lot of shows, because that doesn't seem like an adequate reason to watch  a bunch of episodes of something not that good.

I generally grow tired of the "the first season isn't that good, but it gets WAY better" line that seems to go with a lot of shows, because that doesn't seem like an adequate reason to watch  a bunch of episodes of something not that good.

There's also a really good article about the bat-shit religious cartel La Familia (which has actually suffered major decimation in the last year or so) that came out about a year ago (I think) in the New Yorker.

There's also a really good article about the bat-shit religious cartel La Familia (which has actually suffered major decimation in the last year or so) that came out about a year ago (I think) in the New Yorker.

It's magical realism, but I don't know that it really reminded me of that book. It's too much of an American story.

It's magical realism, but I don't know that it really reminded me of that book. It's too much of an American story.

Indeed it is, and indeed it makes a great movie even better. Terrific, terrific score, from beginning to end.

Indeed it is, and indeed it makes a great movie even better. Terrific, terrific score, from beginning to end.

Emotionally its a gut punch, but its in no way depressing. Damned if the final image doesn't make your heart swell in the best way possible.

Emotionally its a gut punch, but its in no way depressing. Damned if the final image doesn't make your heart swell in the best way possible.

It's alright. I'm a Mex AND a big fan of the acting prowess of John Ortiz and for that first clip I thought it was the Mexican dude from the office.

It's alright. I'm a Mex AND a big fan of the acting prowess of John Ortiz and for that first clip I thought it was the Mexican dude from the office.