at least put a poll on this!
at least put a poll on this!
Agree. The biggest issue with this car is not the mods, it's the price. At least if the owner was selling it for super cheap then someone could save the car by putting a Porsche engine back in. If it was cheap it could be used as a roller and turned into a track machine. But $30K is just asinine.
WHAAA!!!! Every time I see the picture of an X1/9 I can't help being sad about not having the money to fix mine... had I had the money I'd never have sold her!
Spyder Creations builds replicas of the Porsche 550. Inch perfect, 100 percent accurate, all-aluminum replicas they sell for $320,000 or $470,000, depending on the engine. That sounds like a lot, but a real 550 is about $4 million. This is the 550 replica that real 550 owners buy so they have a car they can drive.
Another great pics. So many at the time, so few now.
Christ, I used to see a lot of those when I was growing up. You're definitely right there. I don't think I've seen one in the flesh since I was a teenager.
I remember that issue too; it read like a Chevrolet commercial. Painful. I think GM paid them copious amounts of money to fudge on the tests.
Still drive my 1985 X11. Only made 1187 that last year.
I have one and I picked it up after 8 years of abandonment in humid tropical Bangladesh. I restored it completely (Toyota turbocharged engine w/ 135bhp instead of stock Fiat 4cyl) but I completely agree, these things wear down easily. My floor pans were gone and my undercarriage was a mess. Just in case anybody's…
A 75 showed up at the Atlanta Caffeine & Octane several months ago. I was the first one I can remember ever seeing.
haha i saw one the other day in Ontario! I had never heard of them or ever seen one but my Dad bought his first car it was a silver X-11 like that apparently it was rusting through in under 5 years. total junk
I've seen a few at cars and coffees (even a RHD one!), and I've even worked on one! My friend's dad has one under a tarp. It's rusting away, and he has no idea where the keys are so we need to make new ones to get it started. I've changed the plugs, oil, gas, etc on it.
I've only ever seen one in the wild, and it was parked in the showroom of a seemingly defunct dealership (possibly similar to the ghost BMW dealership). It was weird- the showroom looked untouched since the early 80s, and parked in the middle of it was this factory-fresh wedge-shaped car I'd never seen before. …
The New York Times just did an article about a guy who owns one titled "An Artifact From A Grim Era In Detroit's Showrooms."
I've seen one on the road and one in a museum.. It's a good kind of rare
You cannot say tha... oh wait, you're right.
Is all I could think of. HAHAHAHAHA!