The promo code isn’t working for me.
The promo code isn’t working for me.
The promo code isn’t working for me.
The promo code isn’t working for me.
Yup—it’s a great reminder.
GROSS. Doesn’t anyone tell these guys not to say this shit on mic?
This happened to me at Costco over frozen veggie bites...while I was wearing my wedding ring. Then he asked me to dance and it. was. awkward. Do everyone a favor and at least look for a wedding ring first.
I vote in every election!
Here’s your case study: Minnesota is winning this border battle
No one said it would be easy to get involved.
That’s crap and you know it. When your governor’s actions spark massive protests and slashes the university budget, which results in droves of young talented people leaving the state—not working for you, not studying at your universities—come back and talk. Until then, can it.
yup, there’s definitely problems.
Money is in short supply right now at UW schools. There have been massive cuts school to school.
I don’t necessarily disagree with Johnson. There’s obviously some climate issues happening at UWM with Jeter’s exit. :\ BUT, for someone who’s been at the university for such a long time, he doesn’t seem to know much about the hiring process. Search and Screen Committees, who hire these administrators, are comprised…
I also hate being the center of attention—which is why we went to Vegas for a long weekend. But we still felt compelled to have a party, which—I think—was just as stressful as doing everything at once anyway. My stomach was in knots all day long, and I didn’t relax until dinner was over and the lights lowered for the…
I didn’t even get that far.
It’s true!
Prudie has routinely been killing it lately. I recommend Prudie over Abby any day.
Yeah...came here to say: you get what you pay for. That base rate is nothing. You may as well hire an art school student at that cost.
That sounds super rough. “Full recovery” were his words, not mine. As an outsider to all of it, I can’t speak to residual problems—but I’m sorry you’ve been suffering from GBS.
I put off a vacay this spring to USVI because of the unknowns with Zika. And I could really use a fucking tropical vacation right now. My spouse is due back in the country after a year-long deployment (maybe he’s back Friday!!?) and we’re getting ready to take the baby steps. But Zika, holy crap...I’m running…
An associate of mine had GB and it sounds scary as hell. The paralysis was *fast*. One day he lost control of his motor functions and was basically kept alive by machines for over a week—luckily he made a full recovery. If there’s anything that’ll light a fire under some asses, it’s Guillian Barre.