
This guy has no respect for actual military service. Fuck him.

I usually bike commute and have recently started walking an hour each way to work just so I don’t get razzed up from nearly dying every other day. I’m going to be mighty sad once it starts snowing and I’m back to the bus.

Gay Bueno: you are my hero. <3

And it’s interesting that folks from MKE vote against Walker in droves, isn’t it.

I agree with you, but it doesn’t stop me from resenting you for calling Milwaukee “Chicago-North.”

Heh...implication being she’s the one who poisoned us?? Actually, that distinction belongs to my own mother, who swears up and down to this day that the two of us must have had the stomach flu—and not food poisoning from the tofu she picked up from the market counter staffed with incompetent college students.

My first Christmas with my now husband: we both had food poisoning. My (now deceased) MIL was making fun of us... “You’ll never forget your first Christmas now.”

Particularly scary to me—I used to work as a live photog. You never knew who was doing what when you had a large camera on your shoulder. Heartbreaking to lose 2 colleagues, in the field, in suburbia.

I feel so sick right now.

This is terrifying. This is Suburban America—people just doing their jobs. My heart breaks for their families, television family included.

GTK! Obvs, I’m new to using my Kindle...

This guy makes me sick.

This would be so much more convenient as a browser extension—or a Kindle add-on (is there such a thing?)

I don’t see how leaving the AC on for any amount of time is an acceptable solution. They are susceptible to failure—is it really worth the risk? A *police dog* just died in WI because the AC unit stopped functioning, and the heat alarm didn’t trigger.

That gif has made my day.

*She* did. But yes. She put other American lives at risk. Punishment fits the crime.

Because she exposed the workings of the government and military. Nothing I’ve heard about Chelsea Manning justifies to me why she was qualified to leak those documents to the public. Who is she to decide what classified material is safe to release to the public?

Thank you—good write up. And I can’t recommend this enough:

I guess it’s hard not to notice when it’s your bridesmaid.

I’ve very much enjoyed reading your and SocialJusticeWarriorPrincess’s exchanges on poly! It gives me warm and fuzzies there’s open minded folks here. Just had to share—