Wait. Nurse Jackie is a comedy??
Wait. Nurse Jackie is a comedy??
Mutually exclusive: when two events/circumstances cannot both be true.
Being mediocre and rich aren’t mutually exclusive.
Self reported survey? Wisconsinites are proud of their drinking.
We started planning for our reception about 9 months after our wedding. After weeks of agonizing over it and counting our funds and assessing our venue’s pitfalls for an all-family affair, we decided to have a no kids reception. This was a *big* deal on my side as my parents come from two midwestern Catholic…
Often, I’ll use it to push an article to my husband while he’s in the same room I’m in. It’s easier to have a conversation about the content than getting sidetracked by telling him to search for XYZ term on slate.com
No overt detractors on my FB page...but I did give some serious side-eye to one comment from a distant friend waxing on about embracing the reality of our sins and the need for a Savior...how it’s necessary to humble ourselves in order to let God lift us up.
I really needed to see this today.
I often proofread content for my co-workers...when I pointed out her use of “female” as a noun, she practically stared at me like I was growing a second head before her eyes.
Also: “Little White Lie” from Independent Lens came to mind; I recommend checking it out if you’ve never seen it. http://www.pbs.org/independentlen…
I think you said more, and said better, a sentiment I was trying to reach on my own comment, on another article.
And it’s completely messed up that she would lie about her background.
True story: my first two weeks on a new job, a co-worker led me to believe he was gay. Among using several subtle mannerisms, dropping various details, and overtly using the word “partner” in the place of “wife”...I was totally convinced. Now, I’m no dope; and I fretted that I had misread the situation when I realized…
Oh man I am cackling over here.
Amazon often doesn’t have the best deals. Free fast shipping yes, but you can probably find the same, or even a higher quality, item elsewhere for a lower or comparable price.
Awesome! Thank you for posting this. I’m getting ready for my honeymoon and have been searching high and low for a carry-on just like this. I just bit the bullet and bought the Lacie—fingers crossed it’s everything I’m hoping for.
Thank you for picking this up.
Yes. Brad.