Oh there are other things that can make Pinkham vomit blood:
This. First she gets him deported, which then backfires on her, and now she’s using nationalistic appeal and xenophobia to get her way. The dad meanwhile, does not seem to have said anything negative about her so far.
She certainly seems to play a nationalism card a lot, like “don’t let my kids grow up in some weird foreign country” kind of appeal.
Have you actually botherd to read up and follow the full story here?
Don’t forget ‘Happy Valley’ - a good British series with a slightly similar theme.
Depends on the kind of racism.
I vaugely remember reading that M.I.A saying she identified as ‘politically black’.
A non profit with substantial involvement of PoC in all levels of decision making.
That’s because the real purpose of most non-profits is to offer a chance for white people to play ‘white savior’ roles.
*putting on the best posh British accent I can* pudgy little thing, isn’t he?
Has Jezebel written anything about Amy Schumer’s racist jokes?