

Hmm....Usually these threads about the South have prideful Southerners clamoring to tell everyone that the North is just as bad as the South (usually citing Boston as an example)... they're certainly not gonna be happy about a Southern state being called a 'modern apartheid state'.

I think she was probably thinking of a movie like Deliverance when she said "real America". It's like going to Japan and wanting to see the geiko ('Geishas'), (except that in case of Mississippi the stereotypes do have some truth).

White people have the most money. And according to the supreme court, money is speech, so white people talk the most. So not listening to white people isn't an option. They're everywhere, talking all.the.damn.time!

Well, letter writer #1 has not mentioned the details that are necessary to answer her question: what is the outcome if she comes out to this guy? a)What will his reaction be? b)If he then proceeds to out you to everyone else then what will happen to your life? c)If he's not going to accept your sexuality (presumably

Most people just stick to Vampire movies (you know, the Vampire is a dangerous creature but true love keeps it restrained.. or some shit like that). Just that some people decide to take a real stab at it.

Except that Mother's day isn't celebrated around the world, particularly outside of Europe, North America and Austrailia. Not for lack of trying by various companies trying to capitalize on the idea (e.g. greeting cards) though.

Actually, we're moving to a point where both men and women are defining their masculinity mainly through physical attractiveness. So... I guess that's progress?

Hey! Shut it! If I'm putting all this work into develop abs and huge biceps, then I better get some validation for it, and if that means shaming fat people, then you gotta let me shame fat people in peace. I need this, ok?

WTF with this case? It's hideously distracting. It's a phone case that Vicky Pollard from Little Britain would have.

I think the article is talking about East Asians (Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Taiwanese descent) not South Asians.

Except they were aware of the harassment and even volunteered to confront the guy.

they're going to have to work a lot harder than they did with Khal Drogo