
If the policies you dumbasses voted for weren't making headlines, we wouldn't be calling you dumbasses, dumbasses (with all due respect to you). Now there are shitty people up North but the smart ones out populate the dumb ones and the fact that the smart Southern folks save up and leave after college to gentrify

Mine. Cuter, same company.


Good thing I always carry these things in my purse

HAHAHA I thought that too! First he was like, YES and then he was like DERP! And just looking at this place set off my allergies. I started sneezing like some sort of Pavlov's dog effect. Gawd those little fuckers are cute!

A medieval term referring to burning homosexuals at the stake, the wood in the bundle serving as fuel for the fire. And indeed faggot has a history of being used to refer to the executions of heretics at the stake, although this does not date quite as far back as medieval times. Phrases like fire and faggot and fry a

In the same manner that it is used to name a small burning stick used for kindling for burning homosexuals at the feet of witches (Thus the naming of homosexuals faggots). A cigarette (a small burning stick) is described as a faggot and both meanings originated in England.

Planet Asshat, where all the inhabitants have their heads so far up their own asses they are wearing them as hats.

LOL the word comes from the times when boys that were convicted of being homosexual by the church or priests who's sexual advances they'd turned down would be thrown on the small pieces of wood (FAGGOTS) that would be the kindling for a woman "witch" being burned. They would be tied up and burned alive at the foot of


OH I SEE. That must be why women brought home more medals than men. Also, the reason why the women's soccer team won gold while the men's team didn't qualify as well as the men's field hockey team. The women’s water polo team won gold, while the men fell in the quarterfinals. The women’s indoor volleyball team was

Sorry about your lung bro. Also, Germans have a fucking word/saying for everything macabre. I mean look at schadenfreude. It literally means getting your rocks off at someone else's suffering. ಠ_ಠ

Ha! My friend and I did this on Fear Factor. He was right side up and tied with rope. Lasted all but 30 seconds during the time I had to cut the ropes with garden shears. He could neither swim nor hold his breath under water.

They looked like audio tapes. I mean, from what I remember those being.

I agree. Also, when it happens to you it's not an exaggeration. This was in reply to the first poster stating that it makes him "sad" that so many people think this is an accurate depiction. Which may also be an exaggeration. If a joke on a sitcom makes you sad, then make sure you throw all your knives out the week

Is there anyway to use this as a back up to why it was possible for Ye Shiwen to beat Lochte's time because she is shorter and produces less surface tension in the water? I keep hearing comments that it's "impossible" for a woman to beat a man in sports because they are physically built for hunting and blah blah

In apropos of this: Is there anyway to use this as a back up to why it was possible for Ye Shiwen to beat Lochte's time because she is shorter and produces less surface tension in the water? I keep hearing comments that it's "impossible" for a woman to beat a man in sports because they are physically built for hunting

Beta Max? This week at my job someone put a case containing about 400 cassette tapes and a post it note that read, "Anyone need any of these? Take as many as you like." in the break room. It sat there for days and accumulated post its with hilarious responses such as, "NO", and "WTF are these?" Which I can only

Louis C.k. is a comedian. This is meant as a joke based on exaggerations.

All win.