
I concur. Yoga has done the same for me after years of weight lifting for snowboard x racing and looking like spongebob. I broke my arm this season and had to find a way to "tone up" after getting all flabby with it on. The workout has made my muscle mass go down but has stretched them and "toned" them so I have a

This is why I can't have Kindereggs here. Because adults put on platform shoes and don't instantly realize they could brake their ankles doing any form of exercise in them. Oh right, the wealthy girl that is famous for making a sex tape and having an Olympian step dad says they helped her tone her voluptuous ass. I

Honda/Asimo/make this happen

Ha! I agree. Also, I loved it! I read all those crazy books about seeding. Chariot of the Gods and all that when I was a teen cause my parents are atheists that believe we were created by foreign beings that mixed out dna with theirs either as an experiment or as some kind of slave labor for mineral mining. Anyways I

Do you think there is other life out there? Did you see Prometheus? What was your take on that?

Thank you. I see a lot of bumper stickers of his followers (Flying Spaghetti Monster) here in California and I look forward to the attendants at Disney wearing colanders on their heads. It's their right. Dog know's their outfits are currently not embarrassing/ridiculous enough. I loved all the negative comments about

Good point. But I think when this is amended by the only legal force in our society that has total power over law, the federal government, with the Equal pay for Women Act, then the domino effect will work it's way down to shitty things like Hooters. I don't think bringing down Hooters will get me equal pay and

Like I said.

I can't wait till the Pastafarians start immigrating from Austria and sue Disney to be able to wear their colanders while on shift!

Thanks for writing about this. After the Hooter's post, and all the ranting to follow, I'm glad to see a post about a issue that actually affects and concerns women where it hurts the most. In our pockets.

Yup. Three year battle and he became an alcoholic. I was living in a base and had kinder eggs. Then I had to live with him in Hialeah. UGH!

ADM I'm glad I got to see that peace of crap at home because you are so right about that. Thanks for the suggestions. Looks like I have more summer reading to do!

Yeah, my cursive is still better with my left hand and I simply took a break from drawing. Went back to my left hand for the most important thing. It was just too time consuming!

That's exactly what I said in another post. My issue was with the comments people were making about the women that choose to work there. And yes, for some women objectifying themselves is a means to get an education. I had a job straight out of college in my field making minimum wage and the male artist in my same

That's interesting. I grew up in Germany and was left handed without any negative connotations or comments from others until I came to live with my dad in the fourth grade. Ugh, why do the Germans get everything? Last time I heard, those that lost their jobs to the recession drink at swimming pool pubs all day and

Yeah, I drive stick too and am a left dominant ambidextrous. I broke my left arm in Jan and had a hell of a time doing things. I can only sign my name, masturbate, draw, and hold a fork comfortably with my left hand. Guess what thing I learned to do with my right hand the quickest?

Holy shit. I should have read this post before posting my rant about my cunting step mom that would smack the shit out of me for writing with my left hand because of witches or some bullshit.

I'm ambidextrous because my mother is left handed, taught me to write with my left hand and when I had to live with my dad and his cunting second wife she would smack me because of some hocus pocus belief that sky god and his followers thought left handed people had something to do with the devil or some stupid shit


Jebus, that would make for an interesting cat video.