
LOL! When I was 8 we used to go visit my fam in the Dominican Republic. The water was undrinkable and I got a parasite from swimming (thrown by my uncle) in a river. Everyday we would eat a fish dinner on these banana leaves that we would put on a shitty make shift table and a million flies would join us along with

LOL! When I was 8 we used to go visit my fam in the Dominican Republic. The water was undrinkable and I got a parasite from swimming (thrown by my uncle) in a river. Everyday we would eat a fish dinner on these banana leaves that we would put on a shitty make shift table and a million flies would join us along with

Ok I laughed. But as an x Hooters girl that worked at Outback before landing H's in grad school, I'll say Outback actually was catering in Hell. A standard four course meal that includes a blooming onion and old people complaining that their steak was over done. Hooters was Nirvana in comparison (here are your wings,

Yeah actually I ate free before my shifts and got half off our entire bill when I came in with friends.

I'm so happy for Sheilds in boxing. She's been through a lot. Also Marlen for bringing home the bronze. These femmes are fatal.

The failure, it is of epic proportions.

Is it bad that I laughed at this? O_o

Oh my glob. This would start a shit show on Jezebel.

Nope I thought the same thing when I saw the preview of 8. I bought my first Mac a week after. It just seems like the right time now to change. I'll still keep my win 7 desktop for storage as its 1tb and has all my music and so on. But this mbp retina is gorgeous and so easy to use I can kind of understand the fan



LOL What you did there with that first comment is the internet equivalent of taking all the shits you took today combined and throwing them up to your living room ceiling fan. It did make for an entertaining waste of 20 minutes thought! Welcome to Jez!

I lolled at the mental image of all of this!



My mom never bought me soda or candy besides the time we lived in Germany and I got kindereggs. That all ended once we landed here. And no substitutes were provided. Now I can't palate soda. Especially DC! GAWED it's like opening a duracel and chugging it...

I believe the last sentence to be a fact!

Woah. I'll be watching this for ten minutes now...

True words: bully instinct in the couch potato crowd.

LMFAO@ "Lilu Dallas Multipass "!!!