
Or people that don't want and will never want a data plan on their phones like my parents. They don't go anywhere and they both have Nook tablets and some other Android tablet they can use with wifi at home. All of those companies will tie you to a data plan if you buy a "smart phone". I learned this while trying to

I don't get it. How did all those people call their loved ones on the Pennsylvania flight that went down ? Aren't there recorded cell phone messages from the moments before the plane went down? I didn't realized this wasn't available prior, I thought turning off your phone was a safety issue.

Go on..

She* and yes! Even the games from Silvertree media's awesome 3d engine (Cordy, SleepyJack) are free on the store for the first several levels or you can find the apk's on android threads.

No, most apps for android are free or the apk's are on threads for your specific phone. Angry birds is a great example of a free app that costs 99 cents or 1.99 for Ipad but I have it both on my phone and rooted nook color tablet.

Working on HTC Senstation AV 4.0.3. Very nice, you be my wife ;)

That's some weak sauce right there. My rooted sensation runs everything I load on too it's ics build and I've never paid for an app besides my Go launcher full version because I like it's fully customizable os.

Ohh ten day juice fast sounds intense. I was dizzy and producing ferocious feces at day two so I started introducing solids like avocado and banana by day three. Those two particular fruits are very good for you but you can't juice them. Carrots, kale, asparagus, brocolli and beets are your friends. Don't freak out

That's a good point that actually came to mind while I was cleaning up after making my morning juice, before I even read this article. The first week of me juicing was a clean up shit show, I'm on week three and I can now juice and clean up in ten minutes flat. I'm now a cult member and will hopefully never stop

I broke my arm and gained a good eight lbs during my time in the cast. I've been juicing for three weeks and have lost six lbs. I do eat other meals during the day, I simply replace breakfast with a big juice. In the movie, I noticed people didn't like the taste but I love it and crave it in the morning. You do have

Ah yes, that is the one I have. I thought they were the same but one just had red details but as you pointed out, they are different models. I bought mine a year ago for 100 dollars and seeing them on Amazon for 39 dollars this morning makes me want to punch a baby!

Michael Chertoff - he was the Secretary of Homeland Security under President Bush. Under his watch at DHS, they purchased five of the machines from Rapiscan. Once he was out of public service, Mr. Chertoff started his own private security consulting company, the Chertoff Group. His group began advocating publicly

They've all been removed in Europe since Dec 2011 so they are not doing well all over the world.

LOL I stole this for my facebook, it is so good.

A cat.

Hilarious comment! Right? WTF?

Ha! Same here ;)


Certainly: a bad ass.