
I believe it! It's impossible to get straight forward research results in the US. There is just too much money in pharmaceuticals for these treatments to ever be mainstream. If you have netflix you can watch the Gerson Miracle. Best of luck with your research. [gerson.org]

I heart you.

What the frack?!

The cure for cancer is the Gerson diet. It was invented before WWII. Now try to bring down the fda and get government approval on a natural cure for any disease. Or go to one of the hospitals in Mexico or the Chech republic (spelling?) that treat cancer with the Gerson "miracle".

I spit on my screen and thus heart you.

It's like you wrote what I was thinking before I thought to write it...

So you mean besides the whitewashing the movie still ruined the book? I'll pass.


Yay! That means I can do whatever I want without restraint!

THIS: I can't see either Rick or Shane giving Carl a gun, especially not a pistol for chrissakes, without training, and without lots of stern warnings ... and I can't see either of them giving him DARYL'S gun without consulting Daryl. hahah i thought that too. And where does one find and SS motorcycle in America?

I was so relieved Andrea was saved! Don't leave me watching this show with only the rest of these weak ass women as characters!

*"I can keep going on like this"

What about my rims? I use it around every four months to take the gunk off!

I second. Bring on the zombie apocalypse!

Right, I didn't agree. But it was the topic that morning on the radio show. 99Jams is a hip hop/ r&b station and the callers where claiming that it was. In my mind they are made up characters and the voice actors were lucky to be cast in the film.

Yeah I do. But actually on morning radio (99jams Miami) when the movie came out, there was a lot of talk of how people of color viewed the movie to be racist because of it's similarities to the invasion of the new world and how the actors that played the blue people were all of Caribbean decent. I didn't agree but it

When you are part of that population, more than what is being given now. Damn, 1%? Certainly feels more than that when you live in NY or Miami.

LOL Must be because the Navi are the closest things Caribbean Hispanics can relate to as people like us in superhero media. From the island like design of the hair styles and weapons to the landscape in the movie and even the actors that did the voices where of Caribbean ancestry. The concept of the conquering of the

Ahhhhh! Many thanks. I'm actually watching the first season on netflix to make my bf a fan and took note on Merle's "attitude" towards peeps of color. The (hands up for me being the leader) scene where the black woman that was a city planner raised her hand with the bird was hilarious!