
It was your response to Lovelyrita that set me off. You called her an asshole for not agreeing with your faith in fiction. But your first rule was don’t be an asshole. Second was don’t be a condescending douche. But your response to her "finding" (opinion) Christianity to be 100% bullshit was not as loving as you

Ok. I don't watch the show (It was the pussy that got me) but I do know this. Gionni (wtf?), you can't embarrass someone that has no shame.

Also Palin. Christian family values my brown asshole. Now that everyone can see what a cunting hyprocrite she is it might take the edge off of how many times I have to see her dribbling idiocy on television. You don’t love me any more than you love a starving child in Somalia. We’ve never met and saying that to

Yup. No surprise with the Catholic blessing. Also, met an Austrian on an online dating site that was curiously way too well informed on the Nazis.( I guess it's cumpulsory learning in school?) That went into great detail about the planned invasion of the United States and claimed that there were thousands of soldiers

Thank you. Make sure you tell Bachman, Perry, Paul, Benedict XVI and all your other leaders to do the same. So far they've been doing nothing but spreading racism, homophobia, and political agendas based on greed and oppression and exclusion.

True! But wont someone think of the BUTTERFLIES!!!

Jesus Christ indeed. Graduate level theology sure was a mind blower.

Thank you. There is evidence that the catholic church backed the Nazi regime. Power and religion go hand in hand. But I digress because there are many people of faith that do good in the world and help the poor and so on. It's always the negative things that get put on the news. Stalin made Hitler look like an amateur

Good on you. Make sure to tell your friends to sprinkle a little fact based reasoning in with their faith. So long as their is a separation between church and state, I'm not bothered. Lately I've been getting nervous with the whole lack of equal rights for all and Bachmans insane big mouth vomiting ignorance en mass

Actually through the transitive property people have been sacrificing millions to god, gods, what have you throughout the entire history of humanity. I see no difference between the Christians burning women at the stake with young boys that have been accused of homosexuality at the faggots on their feet or the Aztecs

Yes thanks for pointing that out. (But it does nobody any harm) If I remember correctly. Culigula (Bush) said that God was telling him to invade Iraq. 120,000 innocent lives lost in the invaded nation and no one is holding anyone responsible. The witch trials, the entire 18th century, the Vatican child abuses that


We should form a political party based on cognitive thought, facts, and hell, since everyone else is ignoring it, math. Bill Maher could be our candidate!

Hearted. I also like telling zealots that I'm Pastafarian. That usually just ends the convo. Hail Pastafari!

I like that. But by the time a Bible was place in front of me in Sunday school, I had already read Lewis Caroll so based on my examining the evidence or lack there of and asking questions that couldn't be answered and that only resulted in more children raising hands it was concluded by the church that that was not

LULZ! That's' what I was thinking.

YOU JUST MADE MY FUCKING DAY!!!! LULZ INFINITY!! "I'll use "Comic Sans" because it looks like real writing...NO IT DOESN'T IT LOOKS LIKE SHITE!!! HAHAHAHAHAH

Oh Nomnom! She so funny!


What meme? I want to see!